12005 MAPLDDesign Integrity Concepts
22005 MAPLDDesign Integrity Concepts Unit Agenda Consistent terminology, consistent results – Introduction and definitions What does it have to do? – Specifying the design Letting constraints work for you – Proportional design More than the sum of its parts – Partitioning a design You mean we’re still working on it? – Sustaining a design What’s the exit strategy? – Verifying a design What do you mean, it doesn’t do what we thought? – Validating a design
32005 MAPLDDesign Integrity Concepts Who is this guy? John Stone –Chief Engineer (Department of Space Systems – SwRI ® ) –18 years experience (Exclusively space-flight) C&DH design (hardware and software) Instrument electronics design Box-level integration and test Hardware project management Product assurance (parts, radiation, reliability) Process improvement –Broad interest in improving what we do
42005 MAPLDDesign Integrity Concepts What do we want to accomplish? Discuss techniques that may help us to do our jobs better –Based on general principles –Broad applicability (logic, board, box, system) Foster necessary discussion / brainstorming –To extent possible (as time allows) –No one person has all of the answers –Suggestions appreciated