I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Headquarters U.S. Air Force 1 Operational Sustainment for the 21 st Century: Managing Infrastructure Capability
2 The Resource Base Airspace Air Shed Emissions Availability AICUZ (Noise Bands) Groundwater Access Groundwater Discharge Availability Spectrum Surface Land Access Surface Water Access & Discharge Availability Subsurface Land Access Workforce Resource Base
3 NIC Concept Overview In early 2004, the Air Force developed a concept to manage air, land, and water as a group of assets (not just liabilities). -Natural assets (e.g., ecological communities) -Statutory assets (e.g., permits and credits) These assets, collectively referred to as natural infrastructure (NI), are managed to support the mission. Like built infrastructure, NI experiences encroachment pressures. Resource Base
4 Taxonomy – Resource Base Resource Base Built Infrastructure Workforce Infrastructure Mission Support Elements Natural Infrastructure The set of support elements needed to sustain mission capability Communications Infrastructure Security Infrastructure ……..
5 Taxonomy – Natural Infrastructure Resource Base Built Infrastructure Workforce Infrastructure Air Land Water Airshed Emissions Availability Forest Grassland Wetland Open Fresh Water Water Supply Access Wastewater Discharge Availability Regulated Navigation Area Restricted Area Components Resources Elements Natural Infrastructure Training Area Noise Buffer Area Distinct components of air, water, and land resources required to effectively conduct operations at an installation or range Restricted Area WA MOA MTR …….
6 Natural Infrastructure Capability Measures
7 Taxonomy – Workforce Infrastructure Resource Base Built Infrastructure Workforce Infrastructure COP Limited Duty Program administration Set-up/Clean-up Med Surveillance Components Categories of Non-availability Elements Natural Infrastructure LWOP Data from distinct categories of non-availability required to effectively manage workforce productivity Sick leave Annual leave Special Absences Training Planned Non- availability Injury/Occupa- tional Illness ESOH PPE
8 ESOHMS Framework DO CHECK MISSION CAPABILITY ACT PLAN Implementation and Operation Performance Monitoring Planning Mission Requirements and Policy Management Review Continual Improvement INCREASE REDUCE Risks Impacts/ Mishaps ESOH Costs Lost Time Mission Degradation Sustainable Operations Natural Infrastructure Capacity Compliance Assurance Workforce Availability
9 Perspective Old vs New Paradigms MilitaryValue EcologicalValue MilitaryValue EcologicalValue EconomicValue Old Paradigm (zero sum perspective) New Paradigm (optimization perspective) High Value Low Value
10 Benefits Assess condition, capacity, capability, and value of assets Leverage value to make informed investment decisions Informs master planning and “lead turns” NEPA and puts a “face” on encroachment SRM based on mission capability and sustainability requirements