CLAS12 CalCom Activity: a progress report V. Burkert, D. Carman, R. De Vita, D. Weygand CLAS12 meeting, June 14 th 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

CLAS12 CalCom Activity: a progress report V. Burkert, D. Carman, R. De Vita, D. Weygand CLAS12 meeting, June 14 th 2012

Outline Survey of detector commissioning plans Review of detector commissioning plans and meetings with detector groups First draft of commissioning document Preparation of commissioning timeline Service tasks and manpower Ongoing commissioning activities Future plans: – Review of commissioning-in-beam plans – General CALCOM meeting in October

1. Collect Information: Survey CLAS12 subsystems: Instrumentation: Beamline, Moller polarimeter, Magnets Detectors:FTOF, CTOF, EC-PCAL, DC, SVT, MM, HTCC, LTCC, CND, FT, RICH Online:Electronics, DAQ, Trigger, Slow Controls, Database, Reconstruction/Monitoring Information Template: Structure: list of foreseen tasks according to the three commissioning phases (quality assurance and system checkout, commissioning without beam and commissioning with beam) Items: for each of the planned tasks, provide information on goals, technique and equipment, manpower and time needs, DAQ & Trigger configuration, software and computing resources, dependencies, information to be saved in the database, repetition frequency System Contact Persons: Main:should act as a liaison between the committee and detector/system group to collect and provide requested information Software: should be the link between the system group and the CLAS12 software group

Survey Status  Request to fill information templates was sent out to contact persons in April 2011  Present status:  feedback from all subsystems and 100% of the templates were returned: this includes base equipment (EC-PCAL, FTOF, LTCC, DC, HTCC, SVT, CTOF, beamline, slow-controls, DAQ&Trigger) and non base- equipment (MM, CND, FT)  Review of last templates will be completed shortly and feedback will be sent back to contact persons

2. Review Information Collected information was reviewed in two steps 1.Review of Information Template: The information templates were reviewed by the CalCom committee to check all necessary information was available and level of detail was consistent with expectations 2.Focus Meetings on each Detector System Meeting between the CalCom committee and the Detector Group (hardware and software experts) were organized to discuss the commissioning plan: - Status and readiness - Necessary steps for its finalization - Critical items - Time and resources needed - Status of calibration and reconstruction software development - Software requirements and computing resources - Manpower Meetings on EC-PCal, DC, FTOF, CTOF, CND, SVT, MM, LTCC already organized Meetings on HTCC, FT, beamline planned for June-July

3. CLAS12 Commissioning plan Introduction: explain general strategy 3.Commissioning with beam: -Test of individual systems and of full spectrometer -Beam condition and detector configuration -Test reactions for efficiency and resolution measurements List of subsystems and contact persons Subsystem templates Summaries of: 1.Quality assurance and system checkout procedures 2.Commissioning without beam Timeline Document available at

Commissioning with Beam (1) 1.BEAMLINE COMMISSIONING: Should occur before the end of 1QFY15 Will include test of all the instrumentation, optimization of beam transport and measurement of beam parameters, calibration of beam monitors 2.CLAS12 CHECKOUT WITH BEAM Should occur in 3QFY15 Few (?) GeV beam on thin target (Carbon/CH2) Central Detector checkout with beam: -Checkout of CND and CTOF in self-triggering mode, measurement of rates and occupancies at different beam intensities and solenoid fields, full detector calibrations -Checkout of SVT and MM with CND/CTOF trigger or Forward Detector trigger, low intensity run with solenoid off, measurement of rates and occupancies at different beam intensities and solenoid fields, full detector calibrations Forward Detector checkout with beam: -Checkout of EC-PCAL, FTOF, LTCC and HTCC with EC-PCAL trigger, measurement of rates and occupancies at different beam intensities and torus fields, full detector calibrations -Checkout of DC with EC-PCAL/HTCC trigger, low intensity run with magnets off, measurement of rates and occupancies at different beam intensities and magnetic fields, full detector calibrations -Checkout of FT in self-triggering mode, low beam intensity run, measurement of rates and occupancies at different beam intensities and solenoid fields, full detector calibrations Checkout of DAQ/TRIGGER/SLOW CONTROLS as part of the process

Commissioning with Beam (2) 3.CLAS12 CALIBRATION AND PERFORMANCE TEST Final part of commissioning Full event reconstruction and fine tuning of detector calibration Should provide all data for full detector calibration and determination of acceptance, efficiency and resolutions Data recorded at different beam intensity and magnetic field configuration to check performance dependence Few GeV and 11 GeV beam on LH2 target with EC-Pcal + HTCC trigger Extraction of first physics observables (mass spectra, cross sections, asymmetries) and comparison with expected detector performances and world data: -ep→e’X, ep→e’p, ep→e’π + π - : check acceptance and efficiency, determine fiducial regions and resolution from elastic and missing mass peaks, test helicity signal and reporting scheme -ep→e’K + Y: check PID capabilities -ep→e’π 0 p, ep→e’π + n: check of neutral detection efficiency and resolution - ep→e’p, ep→e’π 0 p (e - or π 0 in FT): check of FT efficiency and resolution Test of additional trigger configurations

Commissioning with Beam (3) OPEN QUESTIONS: Is this plan complete? What should be the exact sequence of operations? What is the optimal beam energy for the initial phase of commissioning? What are the first reactions we should look at? How can we optimize the process?

Timeline Preliminary timeline for the CLAS12 commissioning: starts from CLAS12 detector installation in Hall B includes checkout, commissioning without beam and with beam PRELIMINARY

Manpower and Service Work ✱ As part of the survey and review process, we have asked all detector groups to provide a list of tasks for which additional manpower is needed ✱ List of service task for each detector group is available on the CalCom wiki page at ✱ Information includes:  description of detector system  list of tasks with details on duration and level of expertise  contact person and present list of contributors  web site ✱ Requests from PCAL, DC, FTOF, SVT but no new manpower identified yet. ✱ Mechanism for to identify collaborators via service work committee and new SOS policy is being discussed

Upcoming meetings Periodic meetings with detector group will continue to monitor progresses and update commissioning plan First general CALCOM meeting in the Fall of 2012 In conjunction with CLAS/CLAS12 Collaboration meeting (?) Presentation from all detector groups on progresses Presentation of calibration procedures and algorithms General discussion

Monitoring Progresses…

FTOF Calibration & Commissioning Panel-1a : 23 counters/sector,  panel-1 ≈ 5 to 35 o L = 32 – 375 cm, 5 cm (t) x 15 cm (w) Panel-1b : 62 counters/sector,  panel-1 ≈ 5 to 35 o L = 18 – 408 cm, 6 cm (t) x 6 cm (w) Panel-2 : 5 counters/sector,  panel-1 ≈ 35 to 45 o L = 370 – 430 cm, 5 cm (t) x 22 cm (w) (all counters with double-sided readout) Calibration & Commissioning Detailed time resolution studies of gain- matched counters all counters studied in cosmic ray test stands Cosmic ray test stand benchmarks re-verified after installation in Hall B. Final calibration datasets taken with electron beam data (incl. B-field checks) Panel-1b data

EC/PCAL Energy Calibration Requirements Energy / cluster reconstruction in frontend trigger required for e- ID. Uniform trigger response requires gain and attenuation corrections. EC/PCAL relative geometry. Calibration procedure must obtain these constants and load them into CTP and flash ADC firmware. EC and PCAL calibrations must be consistent. Calibration using MIP ONLINE Cosmic muon trigger. Simple hit reconstruction (Dalitz). Localized, uniform energy loss. Complete calibration in hours. OFFLINE Physics data (pions p>0.6 GeV). Monitor PMT gains using E/p. Cross-check muon calibration. Currently the existing EC software used for 15 years in CLAS6 is being tested on new PCAL modules in cosmic test setup. e-e- π PCAL EC

EC/PCAL CALCOM Requirements Acceptable calibration at startup Hit / cluster reconstruction in trigger requires substantial control of both energy and geometry calibration already on Day 1. Calibration procedure must provide gain and attenuation constants and relative alignment of EC/PCAL modules. Constants must be accessible to trigger firmware. Calibrations of EC and PCAL must be consistent Sum of electron energy from each module must agree with forward tracker momentum (E / p = constant). Spatial and energy reconstruction of photons must produce correct invariant mass. Online monitoring of calibration constants Continuous gain monitoring essential to maintain uniform trigger response under changing luminosity and relative backgrounds in PCAL and EC.

EC / PCAL Energy Calibration Uses MIPs EM shower: Energy deposition non- uniform function of position and depth. Difficult to define calibration benchmark. Minimum ionizing muon: Uniform and localizable energy deposition profile (dE/dx ~ 2 MeV / cm in scintillator). μ e-e- Online Cosmic Calibration Provides gain and attenuation constants needed for e- trigger. Hardware gain matching of PMTs. No sophisticated hit reconstruction – simple Dalitz test. Muon tomography can provide relative alignment of modules. Requires hours to obtain adequate statistics. Offline Calibration Uses physics data: MIP pions (p > 0.6 GeV). Run-by-run monitoring of PMT gains using E/P or MIP. Cross-check of cosmic muon calibration. Extrapolation of MIP calibrationd to 10+ GeV e- E / P vs. x,y position Muon energy vs. x,y position

CalCom: Future Activity Complete the series of meetings with the detector groups and schedule second series General CalCom meeting with all detector groups in Fall 2012 Define run conditions for initial data taking upon completion of the CLAS12 installation (beam energy, trigger, reaction channel for first analyses and full detector calibration) Define a detailed time schedule for the CLAS12 commissioning CalCom wiki page:

Commissioning with Beam (3) OPEN QUESTIONS: Is this plan complete? What should be the exact sequence of operations? What is the optimal beam energy for the initial phase of commissioning? What are the first reactions we should look at? How can we optimize the process?