Appropriate Evaluation & Treatment of UTI in the Elderly Final Workshop June 17, 2014
Program Partners Mass Department of Public Health MA Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors Mass Senior Care Association/Foundation Masspro Clinical Faculty Dr. Shira Doron Dr. Ruth Kandel
10/13 Kickoff Workshop 12/13 Clinical Webinar 1/14 Evaluating Altered mental status webinar 2/14 Regional workshops 3/14 Antibiotic Stewardship Webinar 4/14 Coaching and sharing call 6/14 Closing Workshop TEST / IMPLEMENT / SUSTAIN MEASURE / MONITOR UTI in the Elderly Collaborative
Today Who is here today What we hope you will take away Learn from experience of participants; encourage all to join in the conversation
Instructions for CME /CEU To receive your Continuing Education Credits Certificate: Nurses – complete online quiz. Your certificate will be ed. Physicians, Nursing Home Administrators, Pharmacists– complete blue evaluation form and return to Emily at the registration table before you leave. Your certificate will be ed.