Grid references on OS maps Aim To be able to give & follow 4/6 figure grid references Key words Grid reference, eastings, northings.


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Presentation transcript:

Grid references on OS maps Aim To be able to give & follow 4/6 figure grid references Key words Grid reference, eastings, northings

How to give four figure grid references

A grid reference is a way of giving a position on a map

Grid lines called Eastings are from top to bottom Grid line numbers are at the top and bottom So this is Easting 35

Grid lines from side to side are called Northings Grid line numbers are along both sides So this is Northing 24

A What is the four figure grid reference for this square?

A Find the line along the left of the square. This is Easting 34

A This is Northing 25 Find the line along the bottom of the square.

A The four figure grid reference is 3425 Easting 34 Northing 25

What grid square is Calvin in? Answer: 1203

What grid square is Tigger in? Answer: 1501

What grid square is Oddie in? Answer: 1503

What grid square is Elmo in? Answer: 1303

Remember Find the square Look at the line on its left (Easting) Find its number from the top or bottom Look at the line along its bottom (Northing) Find its number from either side Write the Easting number, then the Northing number

Exercise What is the grid reference of squares A-J A B C D E F G H I J A Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO © Crown Copyright NC/02/15232 B C D E F G H I J C 9967 B 9869 A 9768 D 9767 E 9669 F 9969 G 9867 H 9769 I 9968 J 9766

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How to give a six figure grid reference

The church is in square 3224, but where exactly is it?

It is nearer to 33 than to 32 It is nearer to 24 than to 25 But how ‘near’ is nearer? We need to look more closely.

Look closer at one grid square

A six figure reference at Draw lines between the main grid lines

Remember Find the point in the square Find the four figure grid reference See how far the point is from the line on the left of the square to the line on the right See how far the point is from the line along the bottom of the square to the line along the top

Where are these symbols? All right? Some wrong? Double click icons

Remember This line first Then this line

Remember This line first Then this line 246 Church at

Where are these symbols?

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