Civil Society Index Values
The extent to which civil society practices and promotes positive social values: 1. Democracy 2. Transparency 3. Tolerance 4. Non-violence 5. Gender equity 6. Poverty eradication 7. Environmental sustainability (1.9) ♦ Very lowLimited Moderate Significant
Democracy As a whole , the extent CS actors practice and promote democracy is 1.5 (between limited and moderate) 1. Democratic practices within CS (Only 36.5% of CSO select their leaders through election) 2. CS actions to promote democracy (A number of activities can be detected but broad-based support and visibility are lacking)
Transparency As a whole , the extent CS actors practice and promote democracy is 1.7 (between limited and moderate) 1. Corruption within CS (very rare) 2. Financial transparency of CSOs (a minority of CSOs (30- 50%) make their financial accounts publicly available) 3. CS actions to promote government and corporate transparency (activities can be detected but visibility is low and not regarded as significant)
Tolerance As a whole, the extent CS actors and organizations practice and promote tolerance is 2 (moderate). 1. Is CS a tolerant arena? (there are some intolerant forces within CS, but they are isolated from CS at large) 2. CS actions to promote tolerance at a societal level (a number of CS activities (e.g. demanding Anti Racial Discrimination Act) but broad-based support and visibility are lacking)
Non-violence As a whole , the extent CS actors practice and promote non-violence is 2.5 (between moderate and significant) 1. How widespread is violent means within CS (consensus regarding non-violence. Violent acts are extremely rare and strongly denounced.) 2. CS actions to promote non-violence and peace (a number of CS activities (e.g. anti domestic violence) but broad-based support and visibility are lacking)
Gender equity As a whole , the extent CS actors practice and promote democracy is 1.7 (between limited and moderate) 1. Is CS a gender equitable arena (women are under-represented in CS leadership positions.) 2. Policies in place to ensure gender equity (a small majority) 3. CS actions to promote gender equity at the societal level (activities can be detected but visibility is low and not regarded as significant)
Poverty eradication As a whole, the extent CS actors promote poverty eradication is 2 (moderate). CS actions to eradicate poverty (a number of CSOs (e.g. Livelihood 21) and activities but broad-based support and visibility are lacking)
Environmental sustainability As a whole, the extent CS actors practice and promote environmental sustainability is 2 (moderate). CS actions to sustain the environment (a number of CSOs (e.g. Greenpeace, Friends of Nature) and activities but broad-based support and visibility are lacking)
Values The extent to which civil society practices and promotes positive social values: 1. Democracy 2. Transparency 3. Tolerance 4. Non-violence 5. Gender equity 6. Poverty eradication 7. Environmental sustainability (1.9) ♦ Very lowLimited Moderate Significant