Jordan Hicks By: Carson Dickens
Sports Has played soccer since she was 3. She did cheerleading She dances She did gymnastics and tumbling
Soccer Plays sweeper in defense Is also captain U14 #52 OFC with Coach Ventura
Family Dad- Jonathan Mom- Jennifer Twin brother- Justin 4 minutes older
Has traveled to… Mexico North Carolina South Carolina California New York Alabama Florida Arkansas
Likes Soccer The color red Likes to travel Likes food Likes Nike Likes Hypervenoms
Dislikes Running Mayonnaise Mustard Eating before practice and games.
What she likes to do in the Summer… Play soccer Go to the beach Hang with friends Travel
Friends Abbie Hayes (best friend) Ansleigh Ubriaco (best friend #2) Alana Oliver Sydney Hurst Sam and Spencer Peterson Kacie Wilson Carson Dickens