Measuring Racial Microaggressions in the Medical Library Community Rebecca Davis, MSLS, Ph.D. Lynn Kysh, MLIS Nancy Olmos, MSLS Annie Thompson, MSLS
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On the provided blank piece of paper, please write any associated words, thoughts, reactions, or questions you have about the term microaggression When you’re done, please crumple the paper into a ball.
Objectives Define and clarify what microaggresions are Background on racial microaggressions research Our research project What we have learned so far Future directions Hood, A. (2015). Microaggressions. [Painting]. Retrieved from / microaggressions/net/
What are microaggressions? Brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, negative racial slights and insults to the target person or group (Sue et al., 2007).
Antoniades, A. (2013). [Photographs]. Moving photos show the not-so-subtle effect of racial microaggression. Retrieved from com/photos/microaggressions-photos-show-everyday-racism-our-conversations/next-gallery
Antoniades, A. (2013). [Photographs]. Moving photos show the not-so-subtle effect of racial microaggression. Retrieved from
Microaggressions Microassaults MicroinsultsMicroinvalidations
Microassaults Represent the more overt forms of discrimination and can manifest in verbal or nonverbal attacks, as well as avoidant behaviors.
Microinsults Are rude or insensitive behaviors or statements that degrade a person’s racial heritage or identity.
APASA Rice University. (2013). [Photographs]. October is Asian American Heritage and Culture Month! Retrieved from
Microinvalidations Occur when a person negates or denies the thoughts, feelings, or experiences of a person of color.
Meme Generator. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from instance/ Quick Memes. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from Sheltered- College-Freshman/page/5/ The Sociological Cinema. (n.d.).Race: Color-Blind Racism. Retrieved from nema/race-color-blind-racism/
What research has been done? Workplace Gender Mental Health Religion Gender Identity Sexual Orientation Disabilities/Ableism Body Image/Fat Phobia
Literature Search Search terms Microaggression variants Databases PubMed Scopus PsycINFO
338 citations
Microaggression Citations by Year (n=338)
Microaggression Citations by Type (n=338)
Location of Microaggression Research (n=164)
Citations in Psychology by Year (n=146)
Citations in Higher Education by Year (n=53)
Our project What is our plan? Develop a tool to measure racial microaggressions among medical librarians and staff Why is this important? No research has been conducted to measure racial microaggressions in Medical Libraries. Who will this help? Administrators, librarians, staff, students, clinicians and patients.
What we have learned Research on microaggressions is a huge topic. Reevaluate how we want to move forward with our research. We have to take a step back and think about how to construct a good survey tool to measure microaggression in the Medical Library community. We have to look further and address the impact of racial microaggressions on people of color.
Future plans Working to create a good survey tool Training in the workplace Further reading
References Alabi, J. (2015). Racial microaggressions in Academic Libraries: Results of a survey of minority and non-minority librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(1), doi: /j.acalib Antoniades, A. (2013). [Photographs]. Moving photos show the not-so-subtle effect of racial microaggression. Retrieved from APASA Rice University. (2013). [Photographs]. October is Asian American Heritage and Culture Month! Retrieved from Basford, T.E., Offerman, L.R., & Behrend, T.S. (2014). Do you see what I see? Perceptions of gender microaggressions in the workplace. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38(3), doi: / Hood, A. (2015). Microaggressions. [Painting]. Retrieved from microaggressions/net/ Meme Generator. (n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from Offerman, L.R., Basford, T.E., Graebner, R., Basu, S., & Jaffer, D.S. (2013). Slights, snubs, and slurs: Leader equity and microaggressions. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 32(4), doi: /EDI
References (continued) Quick Memes.(n.d.). [Photograph]. Retrieved from College-Freshman/page/5/ Sohi, K.K. & Singh, P. (2015). Collective action in response to microaggression: Implications for social well-being. Race and Social Problems, 7(4), doi: /s Sue, D. W., Capodilupo, C., Torino, G., Bucceri, J., Holder, A.,Nadal, K., & Esquilin, M. (2007). Racial microaggressions in everyday life: Implications for clinical practice. American Psychologist, 62, The Sociological Cinema. (n.d.). Race: Color-Blind Racism. Retrieved from Wang, J., Leu, J., & Shoda, Y. (2011). When the seemingly innocuous “Stings”: Racial microaggressions and their emotional consequences. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(12), doi: /
Questions? Contact Us Rebecca Davis, MSLS, Ph.D. Information Services Librarian, Wilson Dental Library Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC (213) Lynn Kysh, MLIS Clinical & Research Librarian USC Norris Medical Library & Children's Hospital Los Angeles (323) Nancy Olmos, MSLS Head, Metadata & Content Management Norris Medical Library University of Southern California (323) Annie M. Thompson, MSLS Director, Wilson Dental Library Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC