Definition: Hormonal changes during period of infancy and early childhood [Age 9-15] Mechanism: Separation of newly born infant from maternal and placental source of oestrogen. Release of FSH, LH from –ve feedback mechanism. Gn at 3 months Follicular maturation and atresia – estradiol secretion -ve feedback mechanism is re-established. Gn at 2 years till the age of puberty.
During period of puberty –Initiated –Release of pulsatile Gn-RH from –ve FM – Level of Gn [FSH-LH] at sleep and steroid hormone. –Appearance of secondary sexual characters and adult function [menarche and ovulation]
Menarche: the first menstruation Factors affecting the age of puberty : Genetic factor Nutritional factor Physical health Psychic condition and social
Stages of Puberty: Acceleration growth [growth hormone and gonadal estrogen. Breast development {Theiarce] effect of estrogen. Public and axillary hair [Adrenarche] effect of adrenal androgen. Menarche: menstruation. Abnormalities of puberty: Precocious puberty Delayed puberty.
Tanner Staging Breast Stage I - prepubertal Stage II breast bud [9.8 y] Stage III breast elevation [11.2 y] Stage IV areolar mound [12 y] Stage V adult contour [14.5 y] Pubic Hair Stage I - prepubertal Stage II pre sexual hair [10.5 y] Stage III sexual hair [11.5 y] Stage IV mid escutecheon [12 y] Stage V female escutecheon [13.5 y]
Age in Years At 9.8 years breast bud At 10.5 years onset of pubic hair At 11.4 years maximal growth At 12.8 years menarche At 14.6 years adult breast At 13.7 years adult pubic hair
Precocious Puberty Causes Premature Gn secretion Idiopathic CNS Lesion: ◦Neoplastic ◦Post inflammatory ◦Post traumatic ◦Abnormality of the skull ◦Albright’s syndrome
Abnormality of sex steroid ◦Estrogen secreting tumours as: ◦Gn secreting tumour of the ovary ◦Feminizing tumour of adrenal gland ◦Drug ingestion Heterosexual prcocious ouberty ◦Cong. Adrenal hyperplasia ◦Virilizing tumour of the adrenal ◦Virilizing tumour of the ovary
Delayed Puberty Causes 1. Constitutional 2. Secondary to chronic ill health as: ch. Neph. Du.J. diabetes, amonia, anorxio nervosa and malnutrition. 3. Hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism: Gonadal dysgenesis Insensitive ovary syndrome Autoimmune ovarian failure Agonadism 4. Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism: Pan hypopituitrism Isolated Gn deficiency 5. Steroid hormone biosynthesis defect