An Early Release Science Program Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
Strategy provide access to a broad suite of JW science observations as early as possible in Cy1 to seed initial discovery and inform Cy2 proposals. Strategy provide access to a broad suite of JW science observations as early as possible in Cy1 to seed initial discovery and inform Cy2 proposals. Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
Science Timeline Realities Cy1 science obs begin GTO Cy2 deadline GO Cy2 CP released 12 (early)-2019GO Cy2 deadline Availability of non-proprietary data is quite limited at time of Cy2 proposal preparation.
An Early Release Science Program Science Timeline GTO Cy1 Observations Reserved ERS Proposal Due ERS TAC GTO Cy1 APT Specifications Due ERS APT Specifications Due GO Cy1 CP Release GO Cy1 Proposals Due GO Cy1 TAC LAUNCH
An Early Release Science Program Next Steps Explore options for community funding Poll community to gauge general interest modes to be exercised data analysis challenges to be addressed size distribution of programs Develop detailed implementation plan, including timeline requirements to enable early Cy1 execution community education and engagement selection criteria and review process data products support Explore options for community funding Poll community to gauge general interest modes to be exercised data analysis challenges to be addressed size distribution of programs Develop detailed implementation plan, including timeline requirements to enable early Cy1 execution community education and engagement selection criteria and review process data products support
An Early Release Science Program Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
Motivation to maximize the science return of JWST within its required- 5yr, expected-10yr lifetime. Motivation to maximize the science return of JWST within its required- 5yr, expected-10yr lifetime. Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
Principle to realize JWST’s science potential, the community must rapidly understand and use its capabilities. Principle to realize JWST’s science potential, the community must rapidly understand and use its capabilities. Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
Strategy provide access to a broad suite of JW science observations as early as possible in Cy1 to seed initial discovery and inform Cy2 proposals. Strategy provide access to a broad suite of JW science observations as early as possible in Cy1 to seed initial discovery and inform Cy2 proposals. Janice C. Lee STScI Science Mission Office JWST Science Working Group Meeting 29 April 2015
2015 commissioning until 2019Apr GTO, GO Cy1 science begins 2019Apr commissioning proposals GO CP 2017Nov GO Cy1 deadline 2018Feb GTO CP 2017Jan GTO proposals due 2017Apr 7 mo Cycle 2+ Jul – GTO Prop due Sep – GO CP release Dec – GO Prop due Feb – GO TAC Apr – next cycle starts JWST Science Timeline Realities GO TAC 2018May 2mo 2mo GTO Cy1 APT files due 2017Sep launch 2018Oct We are here. Draft as of 2015Apr
Science Timeline Realities Cy1 science obs begin GTO Cy2 deadline GO Cy2 CP released 12 (early)-2019GO Cy2 deadline Availability of non-proprietary data is quite limited at time of Cy2 proposal preparation.
Science Timeline Realities addressed by JSTAC Science Timeline Realities addressed by JSTAC The JSTAC recommends an Early Release Science Program: “ obtain images and spectra that would be used to demonstrate key modes of the JWST instruments. The goal of this program is to enable the community to understand the performance of JWST prior to the submission of the first post-launch Cycle 2 proposals that will be submitted just months after the end of commissioning.” “The data… would complement the Early Release Observations (ERO) and the Science Verification (SV) datasets.” “The JSTAC recommends that… data be released both in raw form and with any initial calibrations as soon as possible; the key aspect is speed.”
Science Timeline Realities addressed by JSTAC Science Timeline Realities addressed by JSTAC The JSTAC recommends an Early Release Science Program: “ obtain images and spectra that would be used to demonstrate key modes of the JWST instruments. The goal of this program is to enable the community to understand the performance of JWST prior to the submission of the first post-launch Cycle 2 proposals that will be submitted just months after the end of commissioning.” “The data… would complement the Early Release Observations (ERO) and the Science Verification (SV) datasets.” “The JSTAC recommends that… data be released both in raw form and with any initial calibrations as soon as possible; the key aspect is speed.” JSTAC refines concept ERS AAS JSTAC next meets 2015May JSTAC refines concept ERS AAS JSTAC next meets 2015May
An Early Release Science Program Key Elements Science-driven programs designed by community, and selected by peer-review Observations execute early in Cy1 No exclusive data access period Science-ready data products released rapidly Envisioned as a Director’s Discretionary program offering hours in total Programs selected to span key observing modes and data analysis challenges Science-driven programs designed by community, and selected by peer-review Observations execute early in Cy1 No exclusive data access period Science-ready data products released rapidly Envisioned as a Director’s Discretionary program offering hours in total Programs selected to span key observing modes and data analysis challenges
An Early Release Science Program Science Timeline GTO Cy1 Observations Reserved ERS Proposal Due ERS TAC GTO Cy1 APT Specifications Due ERS APT Specifications Due GO Cy1 CP Release GO Cy1 Proposals Due GO Cy1 TAC LAUNCH
An Early Release Science Program Products Building blocks for Cy1+ GO programs APT files available at Cy1 CP release Data & science-ready products available as early as possible in Cy1 Enables Cy1 archival programs Provides kernels for cohesive science-based training sets Observation & proposal planning Data reduction and analysis cookbooks Increased population of scientists knowledgeable about JW capabilities for Cy1 GO proposal review Building blocks for Cy1+ GO programs APT files available at Cy1 CP release Data & science-ready products available as early as possible in Cy1 Enables Cy1 archival programs Provides kernels for cohesive science-based training sets Observation & proposal planning Data reduction and analysis cookbooks Increased population of scientists knowledgeable about JW capabilities for Cy1 GO proposal review
An Early Release Science Program Next Steps Explore options for community funding Poll community to gauge general interest modes to be exercised data analysis challenges to be addressed size distribution of programs Develop detailed implementation plan, including timeline requirements to enable early Cy1 execution community education and engagement selection criteria and review process data products support Explore options for community funding Poll community to gauge general interest modes to be exercised data analysis challenges to be addressed size distribution of programs Develop detailed implementation plan, including timeline requirements to enable early Cy1 execution community education and engagement selection criteria and review process data products support
An Early Release Science Program Readiness In early 2017 (~1.5 years), ready to release ERS (& GTO) CP support ERS (>O) proposers In mid 2017 (~2 years), ready to process ERS proposals review & select proposals publicize accepted proposals and anticipated products, in prep for GO Cy1 In early 2017 (~1.5 years), ready to release ERS (& GTO) CP support ERS (>O) proposers In mid 2017 (~2 years), ready to process ERS proposals review & select proposals publicize accepted proposals and anticipated products, in prep for GO Cy1