Harvard Neutrino Group DoE Review August 21, 2006
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Introduction l The Harvard Neutrino Group is engaged in three highly related experiments MINOS: 5 kT, magnetized iron-scintillator detector, optimized for observing oscillations l MIPP: A fixed-target particle production experiment whose results will improve the near-far detector comparisons in MINOS NO A: A proposed follow-on experiment to MINOS, off- axis kT totally-active liquid scintillator detector, optimized for observing e oscillations
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Harvard Neutrino Group l Faculty: GF l Engineers: John Oliver, Nathan Felt l Postdoc: Mayly Sanchez l Graduate Students: Joshua Boehm, Andre Lebedev, Sharon Seun, Steve Cavanaugh*
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman MINOS Layout (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search)
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman MINOS Far Detector Half of MINOS far detector l 8m octagonal tracking calorimeter l 486 layers of 1 in iron plates l 4.1 cm-wide scintillator strips with WLS fiber readout, read out from both ends l 8 fibers summed on each PMT pixel l 25,800 m 2 (6.4 acres) of active detector planes l Toroidal magnetic field = 1.3 T l Total mass 5.4 kT
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman MINOS Detectors Far Detector Near Detector
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Harvard Contributions to MINOS l Far detector front-end electronics l Contributions to the C++ framework and the development of the “Standard Reconstruction.” l Production processing on the Fermilab computer farm and data quality validation Development of offline analysis for e oscillations l MINOS positions l GF: Executive Committee Mayly Sanchez Farm Batch Processing Group coordinator, Validation and Monitoring Group convener, and e Working Group Co-convener:
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman MIPP Experiment Main Injector Particle Production Experiment
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Why do the MIPP Experiment? l Our main interest is to reduce the uncertainty in the near-far ratio for MINOS and other oscillation experiments. l Not the same due to the line source of neutrinos.
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Far to Near Ratio
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman MIPP Measurements l Unlike previous measurements, MIPP has a full acceptance. It will produce a library of produced particles. l We have taken 1.9M events with 120 GeV protons on the MINOS target. l We have also taken 20, 58, and 120 GeV secondaries on thin carbon targets and will use them to “reconstruct the MINOS (or any other carbon target). l Expect first results by the end of 2006.
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Harvard Contributions to MIPP l RICH detector hardware and software. l Data acquisition. l Trigger l Beamline improvements l General reconstruction and Monte Carlo programs. l MIPP Positions: l GF: Chair of the MIPP Institutional Board
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman What is NO A? NO A is an approved Fermilab experiment l kT totally-active liquid scintillator detector l Situated 12 km off the NuMI beamline 810 km from Fermilab (in a narrow band neutrino beam around the first oscillation maximum) Designed to be sensitive to e oscillations, needed for sin 2 (2 13 ) Mass ordering CP violating phase
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Off-Axis Rationale Both Phase 2 experiments, NO A and T2K are sited off the neutrino beam axis. This yields a narrow band beam: More flux and less background ( e ’s from K decay and higher-energy NC events)
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman NO A Far Detector “Totally Active” 20 kT: 16 kT liquid scintillator 4 kT PVC 32 cells/extrusion 12 extrusions/plane 1302 planes Cell dimensions: 3.9 cm x 6 cm x 15.7m (0.15 X 0 thickness) Extrusion walls: 3-4 mm outer 2-3 mm inner U-shaped 0.8 mm WLS fiber into APD 89 m 15.7m 31-plane block Admirer
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman 1.65 GeV e N ep 0
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Harvard Contributions to NO A l Collaboration management (GF co-spokesperson) Building the physics case for NO A NO A electronics and DAQ (John Oliver project electronics engineer )
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman What We Know and What We Don’t Know O. Mena and S. Parke, hep-ph/
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman 3 Sensitivity to 13 0
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Parameters Consistent with a 2% e Oscillation
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman 95% CL Resolution of the Mass Ordering
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman 1 and 2 Contours for Starred Point: sin 2 (2 13 ) = 0.02
DoE Review August 21, 2006Gary Feldman Talks l OverviewGF25 min MINOS e Josh Boehm 20 min l MIPP Andre Lebedev 20 min NO A electronicsJohn Oliver15 min and DAQ