Welcome to voiceover within PowerPoint Best Practices for PowerPoint! Welcome!
Simplify Your Message. Best Practices for PowerPoint!
Design with fewer elements and no more Best Practices for PowerPoint! If it can be designed with fewer elements then use NO MORE!!!
We will highlight 5 key element Key Elements Best Practices for PowerPoint! 5
Best Practices for Presentations Key Elements Key Element #1: replace text and bullets with images and symbols 1
12345 Key Elements 1 Blogs are like sharks A shark must keep moving or die A blog must be regularly updated or it too will die How often should you update your blog? Some successful blogs are updated once a week, others several times a day. The key is to be consistent. Best Practices for Presentations Slide with text, bullet points and no graphics
12345 Key Elements Blogs are like sharks 1 Best Practices for Presentations Slide with powerful visual and no bullets
12345 Key Elements 2 Best Practices for Presentations Key Element #2: fonts, typeface, text
12345 Key Elements 2 You can make it BIG Or make it…… small Or something cutsie! Best Practices for Presentations Changes in color, size or location of text creates contrast
12345 Key Elements 3 Best Practices for Presentations Key Element #3: Limit bullets, text and transitions
12345 Key Elements 3 Best Practices for Presentations Hara hachi bu Okinawans have the highest life expectancy with a large population living to 100 or longer. Eat only 80% full. Helps you to live longer. Reduces free radicals reducing the risk of various illnesses. Give you more energy and productivity. Helps you to lose weight or avoid gaining it. May save you money. Slide with a lot of text and bullet points; very cluttered
12345 Key Elements 3 Best Practices for Presentations Hara hachi bu Eat only until 80% full No bullets, large graphic, asymmetry balance, single idea
12345 Key Elements 4 Best Practices for Presentations Key Element #4: include strong narrative or storytelling
12345 Key Elements 4 Best Practices for Presentations Nothing comes to you – you have to get out there! “You have to sit by the side of a river a very long time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth.” -- Guy Kawasaki Slide with a lot of text and small graphic; by the river
12345 Key Elements 4 Best Practices for Presentations “You have to sit by the side of a river a very long time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth.” -- Guy Kawasaki Large graphic, less text with contrast colors
12345 Key Elements 5 Best Practices for Presentations Key Element #5: embed video or audio for more interest
12345 Key Elements 5 Best Practices for Presentations Our official fight song is Down the Field Video of UT fight song embedded
Best Practices for PowerPoint! Be present. YOU are it! Slides should enhance your presentation.
Best Practices for PowerPoint! The End End of the video