Support structures to enable the real implementation of the Bologna processes Pyramid at Güímar, Tenerife Teacher Programme University Profession Government
National Level National Qualification Frameworks (NQF =>EQF) Lisbon Recognition Convention Degrees and periods of study must be recognised Quality Assurance ENQA, ESG (2009, 3 rd Edition) National requirement that university teachers have to have a professional qualification as well as a research based one Recognition of research into student learning ?
Quality “The 2009 stocktaking clearly indicates that fully-fledged introduction of a learning outcomes-based culture across the EHEA still needs a lot of effort, and it will not be completed by 2010” NQFs “There is still not enough integration at national level between the qualifications framework, learning outcomes and ECTS...” Bologna Stocktaking Report
Professions Difficult area Separate legislative base both National and EU Regulated by bodies not involved in Bologna Process Good Practice (influenced by Tuning) EuroBachelors in Chemistry Nursing EurAges (Geoscience) The need to have Bologna implemented as a platform for professional 'standardisation'.
Institutes of Higher Education Need for awareness of issues of TLA on part of senior management: not just research, important though that is. Promotion criteria to make teaching requirement evidence based ECTS Guidelines => Label Diploma Supplement => Label Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) National scorecards (only 40% compliance) Wider access, professional development
Institutes of Higher Education Social Aspects (training the next generation) Mobility How much can we charge for a Summer School? Centres of Excellence in Teaching and Learning Continuous Personal Development of staff (all staff, not just academic) to include Bologna relevant skills. Need for stocktaking at HEI and sector level
Institutional Bologna Audit StudentsManagement Faculty Admin
Programme Level The role of 'Tuning' No one template fits all subjects, but they can be derived from a common model
Conclusions There is a need for training at all levels Training will empower teachers to influence the process at all levels Bas releif, Duomo, Bologna