Agenda Debrief on past module development Tools for online content development Module development template Timeline Suggested guidelines for developing PD Large group brainstorm Future direction and plans
Why this Framework? Goal : To facilitate the development of quality online professional development
You climbed the mountain like this… But you can get there like this too…
Group Brainstorm What were some of the challenges or rough spots in building the first few modules? In small groups – write down on sticky notes Sort into categories
Designing Online Modules Streamlining the process
Systematic Design of Instruction Is… More effective More efficient Process can be replicated Lower costs over time …and the process can be explained to others
Tools to help in Systematic Instructional Design Online Module Development Template Development Timeline Form Suggested guidelines for developing PD
The Larger Context Design Develop Analyze: PD that needs to be developed is stated and defined (Prior decisions based on in RTTP grant proposal) Implement Evaluate (Summative Evaluation) Example-Guskey’s Model
The Design Process *Pre Content Design Decisions *Content Development (Module Development Template) *Design *Development *Beta Test Timeline
Broad Instructional Purpose Target Audience Identify Connections to NCEES; Teacher Standards, etc. Nature of Web-Based Instruction –Online support for face to face –Hybrid/Blended –Completely online Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test Pre-Content Design Decisions
Level of Interactivity – Facilitator lead: learning community –Independent learning with learning community –Independent learning Length of Module –Hours to complete (Including individual and collaborative activities) Timeline Decide on Tense, Person, Tone (Style guides) Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test
Content Determination 1.Outline and Flow: Online Module Development Template 2.Detailed Content Materials Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test
Content Determination (Online Module Development Template) 1.Setting the Stage: Learner/ & Context –Who is the targeted learner (teacher, principal etc) –Grade level –Content area – Potential obstacles and available resources 2.Determining Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test
3.Determining Course Content –Content topics –Sequencing and organizing content 4.Adding Assessment –Includes activities, self assessment surveys, reflections, etc. 5.Selecting Instructional Strategies – Content delivery, activities, group work etc, Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test Content Determination (Online Module Development Template)
Content Determination Online Module Development Template Collect Detailed Content –Documents, links, audio, text, visual etc –Style Guide followed Woven Through Content –21 Century Skills –Model exemplary teaching strategies –Judicious technology use Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Developmen t Template) Design Development Beta Test
Development Phase Design of Module in Predetermined Platform Development of New Materials –Movies –Narrated slide shows –Flash etc. Development-Review-Changes cycle(s) –Within development team/content team Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test
Formative Evaluation Pre Content Design Decisions Content (Module Development Template) Design Development Beta Test Step 1 Beta test 3 or 4 Learners Modifications as needed Step 2 Outside of ERD Review Modifications as needed
Questions? Quick Demo of the online version of the template
Online Module Development Timeline To guide the development process and ensure the timely completion of the module
Members of the Content Development Team Content Development Team Leader Coordinate team work Make a list of responsibilities Timeline and Module Development template Communicate with tech development team Suggested Team Responsibilities Content collection Content editing Graphics Videos Narration script
Three Steps of the Timeline 1.Pre-Module / Pre-Content design decisions 2.Part A - Complete the Module Development Template (MDT) Part B – Content Development Team develops detailed module content 3. Completed course materials given to Online Module Developer
Online Module Development Timeline Steps Step One Pre-Module/Pre-Content Decisions Pre Content Design Decisions Decide on: –Date to begin building the module –Date for module to go live –Length of the module –Audience Content Development Team Leader and ERD initial Step One
Online Module Development Timeline Steps Decide on dates for: –First draft MDT –Second draft MDT –Final draft of MDT Content Development Team Leader and ERD initial Step Two Part A Step Two – Part A Complete the Module Development Template Content (Module Development Template)
Online Module Development Timeline Steps Step Two – Part B Develop the Detailed Module Content Content Development Team: –Collect and build the detailed module content / materials based on the Final Draft of the Module Development Template. This will include: –Instructional goals / learning objectives –Detailed content –Instructional strategies (activities) –Assessments Development Team Leader and ERD will initial Step Two Part B Content (Module Development Template)
Online Module Development Timeline Steps Step Three Completed course materials given to Online Module Developers Online development of the module Receive completed: –Videos –Audio files –Images –Photo Release forms Content Development Team Leader and Online Module Developer initial Step Three Design Development Beta Test
Online Module Development Timeline Steps Step Three (cont.) Online Module Developers complete the module First draft review Second draft review Final draft review for beta test Final draft review by external review team Date given for completed module to “go live” –Should match “go live” date from Step One Design Development Beta Test
Questions? Questions, clarifications, feedback on time-line or template
Revisit Brainstorm on Challenges Each group shares their categories of challenges Sort sticky notes into two categories, solved and unsolved. Those sticky notes not solved will be collected.
Online Learning- Building in good pedagogy and effective technology use
“The Instructional design process will be effective when major attention is given to designing instruction for individual use rather than for a group.” (Jerrold Kemp, 1985) Learning modalities Skill level around use of technology Current level of understanding Are learning objectives clear and supported by all learners?
Harness the advantages Flexibility and convenience Building on prior knowledge Accessibility Time Increase digital literacy skills Group work and collaboration: community building Opportunities for peer reflection/instruction
Principles informing the design of instruction Experience is critical and the basis of knowledge creation -Use Activity Based learning -Incorporate tools for self assessment (level of understanding) (before and after learning) -Chart of Knowledge (dots) -Surveys Link to students experiences and building on learners prior knowledge -Personalize activities and make relevant -Use of journals, discussion threads, blogs etc. Group work and social construction of knowledge -Use of discussion threads, blogs, wikis, social networking sites Offer just in time/real time information which is easily accessible Learning should be authentic and meaningful for each learner - Problem-based learning, simulations, virtual worlds etc.
Five Elements of Instructional Design Define the learner’s characteristics Set learning objectives Sequence objectives and content Develop instructional strategies Assess performance (Dick and Carey, Fifth edition)
Large Group Brainstorm The Future of Online PD: Our Vision Format for development in future Technology for deployment Topics for PD content