The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice;0-25 years “ Statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.” June -Implementation September 2014
The Act is about reforming services for vulnerable children in order to give every child, whatever their start in life, an equal chance to make the best of themselves The Code Supports the Act..
Equality Act 2010-General Duty to promote disability equality Specific duties;make reasonable adjustments in order to prevent disadvantage Make Arrangements to support pupils with Medical Conditions“Supporting Pupils at school with Medical Conditions” The Code sits alongside existing Statutory Guidance
Statutory guidance to LA’s and partners on duties relating to part 3 of the Act It puts “flesh on the bones" of the regulations/law It includes the “musts”-statutory requirements It includes the “shoulds”- guidance which must be considered and departure from it explained Lists the bodies which must have regard to its contents The Code of Practice- replaces 2001 Code
local Authorities and schools NHS –Commissioning boards C.C.Gs NHS Trusts Local Health Boards Statutory Guidance for…
The Code has 11 Chapters.. 1. Principles 2. Impartial Advice/support 11. Resolving Disagreements 10. Children & Young People in Specific Circumstances 9.Education, Health and Care needs assessments And plans 8.Preparing for Adulthood From the earliest Years YOUNG PEOPLE With S.E.N.D From 0 – 25 years 4.The Local Offer 3. Working Together-E,H,C 5. Early Years 6.Schools 7.Further Education
Extended age range 0-25 Clearer focus on views of children/families Stronger focus on high aspirations and improving outcomes Guidance on joint planning/commissioning Guidance on the local Offer New guidance on graduated response-which will replace SA/SA Plus EHC Plans-replacing Statements and LDA’s Greater focus on transition to adulthood Information –Equality and Mental Capacity Act Main Changes from 2001 Code
New relationships-”listening/ meeting aspirations Person Centered Planning Voice of the child/young person Outcomes Planning Measuring progress of ALL children Costing provision Joint planning/shared responsibilities. The spirit of the New “Code of Practice”
Support and Aspirations June 2014