S e s s i o n I I Slimming Overcoming Anger
Definition Quotes Consequences Problems
Definitions 1.Strong feeling of displeasure and aggressive hostility aroused By real or suspected wrong 2.A response to the frustration of an unresolved problem 3.Sudden violent displeasure accompanied by impulse to retaliate Problems
Quotes 1. Men like steel- when lose temper – lose worth 2. We boil at different degrees 3. Holding anger is like grasping of hot coal with you only 4. Anger is a wind that blows out lamp of mind 5. If heart is a volcano, how you expect flowers to bloom? 6. Anger is one letter short of Danger 7. The matchstick has a head but no intelligence and hence it flares up. Problems
Consequences 1. Physiological 2. Emotional 3. Social 4. Financial 5. Internal 6. Corporate 7. Familial 8. Political Problems
Dynamics Step 3. Frustrated attitude – I wanted to….. but I could not Step 1. Enjoyment attitude - I want to satisfy my desires Step 2. Ego centric attitude – I can fulfill my desire Thus anger is caused by unfulfilled lust Cause
1. Lock it up 2. Turn it loose! 3. Manage it ANGER STYLE?
1. Lock it up Withdraw emotionally BEHAVIOUR Give the “silent treatment” Become ill or anxious Deny anger but show it in other actions REASONS I don’t have the right to be angry Anger is inappropriate or childish I may lose control of myself I cant cope with strong feelings People will dislike me if I show anger I may lose my job or a relationship I fear I will hurt or offend someone Revenge fantasies ANGER STYLE?
2. Turn it loose! Blowing up at people BEHAVIOUR Getting physical or hurting people Threatening, shouting or swearing Blaming people REASONS I need to assert my power over people The best defense is a good offense I’m afraid of getting close to someone I cant stand to be wrong I don’t know how to communicate calmly when angry Breaking things Flying off the handle at small things Bringing up old grievances ANGER STYLE?
3. Manage it Remaining calm BEHAVIOUR Focusing on the behavior, not the person Using “I” statements: “I feel angry when…” Sticking to the subject REASONS Anger is a normal emotion - it’s okay to be angry Allowing discussion to happen ANGER STYLE?
Step 1. Control Anger Step 2. Conquer Anger Solutions
Step 1. Control Anger Patiently Privately Prudently Powerfully Positively Personally Solutions
Step 2. Conquer Anger Recognize Repent Resist Rely Solutions
A. Physical B. Mental C. Intellectual D. Spiritual Applying the Solution
Physical 1. Analyze 2. Abstain 3. Avoid Applying the Solution
Physical 1. Analyze The Mind – Body Connection a)Drink Cold Water b)Breathe slow and deep Applying the Solution
Physical 2. Abstain From stimulating food that excite the nerves a) From intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, etc. b) From meat eating Applying the Solution
Physical 3. Avoid Passionate Habits Give up illicit sex Practice Celibacy Applying the Solution
Mental 1. Befriend 2. Balance 3. Banish Applying the Solution
Mental 1.Befriend Your causes of anger a) Cultivate a sense of humor b) Develop right perspectives Applying the Solution
Mental 2. Balance The Energy flow a) Talk Less b) Relax Reasonably Applying the Solution
Mental 3. Banish Negative thoughts a) Think of productive plans b) Act positively Applying the Solution
Intellectual 1. Consider 2. Contemplate 3. Convert Applying the Solution
Intellectual 1. Consider The Harmful Effects on a) Body b) Society c) Family Applying the Solution
Intellectual 2. Contemplate The blessings of non – irritable nature such as a) Harmony b) Happiness Applying the Solution
Intellectual 3. Convert The spirit of vengeance into force of self - development a) Reason against revenge b) Reason to forgive Applying the Solution
Spiritual 1.Discuss 2.Discriminate 3.Discover Applying the Solution
Spiritual 1. Discuss Spiritual Topics a) Associating with saints b) Assimilate vital lessons by hearing and serving Applying the Solution
Spiritual 2. Discriminate Between reality and illusion a) Accept spiritual guidance b) Introspect regularly Applying the Solution
Spiritual 3. Discover Virtues like humility, tolerance, forgiveness, etc. a) Chanting Hare Krishna regularly b) Give Krishna to others Applying the Solution
If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape hundred days of sorrow
Thank you