the environment
problems with the environment global warmingnatural disasters pollution earthquake acid raintyphoon rubbisherupting volcano desertificationflood clear-cut loggingdrought by manby nature
ways to repair the environment the governments individuals factories
focus on the government's actions ---desertification P35 encourage farmers to build fences provide money for people to plant more trees and bushes spend money finding and drilling for underground water do scientific research into the problem better administrate the areas train people in how to use water efficiently strengthen international cooperation
focus on individual efforts ---climate change P39 live a low-carbon life walk, cycle or use public transport more instead of driving use as little energy as possible, like, turning off lights and anything electrical; recycling as much as possible plant trees
suggestions It's suggested that... You can/ should... One thing we can do to help to... Another thing is to... It's important to do... I do agree that we should... It's our duty to do... It would be good to do...