Lehava Project Decrease the digital gap in the Israeli society
General background The State of Israel and the Ministry of Finance emphasize exposing the citizens, especially the future generation to the possibilities that exist in the technological and informative era. Lehava was established by the Government (the Ministry of Finance) in 2002, in order to decrease the technological gap in Israel and to bring the new technologies to the weak and peripheral population of Israel.
The goals of Lehava L eading, on a national level, the decrease of the digital gap of the "future young generation". Improving the ability of youth and children who come from a low socio- economic cross-section, to become integrated in the Israeli society. I nstalling the basic knowledge needed in order to operate a computer and to receive the relevant information, by surfing the internet, in order to promote education and welfare and to raise the quality of leisure time. A llowing citizens who don't have a computer at home to use public computers
A llowing the use of advising channels in the form of on line experts, in order to improve government and public services through guidance, assistance and encouragement of the use of information resources. A ccessibility of a digital library and teaching resources sites for example, culture resources In Hebrew (encyclopedia, lexicon, magazine and educational computer program).
Target clientele The Lehava centers focus on youth and children who do not own a private computer and who do not have access to the internet world. Children and youth Kindergarden to high school (4-17) Adults (21-50+) Released soldiers, students, employees, self-employees, small business owners, unemployed, special populations, new immigrants, women or men from single-parent families.
Zefat- Identity Card Zefat – the capital of the Galilee 29,000 residents Zefat has a character of a religious city, one third of its residents are Orthodox. Zefat count 6,000 new immigrants from Ethiopia and Commonwealth of Independent states. Zefat is placed in a social – economic division, at a low place. (the fourth cluster out of ten).
The structure of the center Each center has two classes with a total of 40 computers. Each center has 4 instructors and a manager with an academic background and knowledge in computers. 8:00-22:30 Opening hours : Sunday - Thursday 8:00-13:00 Friday 14 hours a day- 310 hours a month
Welfare Department. Neighborhood Rehabilitation- a governmental project for promoting faltering populations. The Department of Education community centers. A Computer For Every Child- a governmental project that gives a personal computer for to every family who cannot afford to buy one. After-school child care facilities. Government employment agency. The Department of Absorption. In Collaboration with…
Quantity data Weekly courses: activities Weekly visitors: 1,000-1,400 visitors Since the center has opened- about 13,000 users Among them: 7,800 children & 5,200 adults.
studies complementary educationStudies in video conference method Computer courses Culture and leisure Health and quality of life online libraryheritage Quality of life E-Government- Information and consultation citizens Assist unemployed Individuals and volunteer placements Online purchasing and trading The contents field
Kinder garden age 4-5 Computer skill Getting acquainted with the backgrounds through the desktop Coordinating simple computer operations Running programs Contents skills Cultivating and enriching vocabulary Improving Visual and hearing skills Improving delicate motor skills- eye-hand coordination Enriching world knowledge Enhance visual distinction, concentration and patience Software and educational computer program for teaching Content & Computer skills הסוד של מיה עולמו של דובי קידנט נחשון כל יכול בייבי גורדי בארץ הצעצועים תוכנת הצייר פיקו Division by Range of ages & distribution Example:
The characteristics of the activity in the center The method of operation in the center is unique and professional, based on 160,000 participants involved. Guided internet surfing Free surfing in the internet, accompanied by technical support from a team of qualified information guides. Group courses computer courses: Internet, getting acquaintance with computer operations, Office, Graphical software. Remote learning Studying by Video Conference Method to the matriculation examination, preparations for the university and driving theory. Club character activity Organized groups, in the framework of job or health care institutions, which are studying computers in specific subjects they are intrigued by and which they find necessary.
Government info and services online This is a term which describes a revolution, expressed by: A ccessible information and services of governmental institutions. S imple uncomplicated procedures and services. A cquiring advanced technologies by the government for free.
The goals of the program Service - improving services to citizens,to their homes and businesses. Efficiency - saving resources by making the government work more effectively. Clarity - straight forward information, data and procedures.
Combining e-government in lehava project The main challenge in assimilation of E-government services for the public is integrated in a correct and gradual process of guiding the citizens, when eventually the citizens will become daily users of the e- government services through the internet. The assimilation process is implemented by the following tools: E-government workshops Combining examples and exercises in the courses Guiding and assisting the participants of the center Designed signposting for publicity and information Advertising and marketing