Cultivating Optimism: Staying positive when things are tough! Presented by Kirk Wilkinson “The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them”
I just want to go home I feel heartless I’m tired of being a coward I need a brain
How much of your optimism or happiness is genetic? 50% 10% 40% Genetics, Background & Programming Circumstances What you can control /
Why optimism? 1.Healthier, happier, wealthier 2.Higher self-worth 3.More productive 4.Less likely to be depressed 5.Live longer 6.Cope better: Handle change, drama, stress and trauma better 7.Take fewer sick days 8.Better negotiators 9.Experience fewer aches and pains 10.Are more satisfied in their relationships 11.Higher fidelity in marriage and lower divorce rates 12.Higher paying jobs 13.Close more sales 14.Treat customers better / Optimist don’t just trust that the future will be good – they BELIEVE that their actions make a difference – that their actions shape their destinies! Optimists are better and more successful employees
You need to give your self more credit! / Don’t let what happens to you be interpreted to be who you are!
Self-Worth, Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence / Two things you can do right now to start to build and preserve your self-worth Stand & Walk taller Create a criticism filter
Ask small questions Think small thoughts Take small actions Solve small problems Ask “What is the next smallest thing I can do to reach my dreams?” – Then DO IT! / Benefits: Circumvents brains resistance to change More productive and a sense of accomplishment Helps you see that your actions make a difference Bolsters self-esteem Think small
Learn to live drama free! / Your ‘emotional caller-ID Take a step back Take a breath Say: “I choose to under-react” Benefits: Eliminates stress Allows for better responses Increased coping skills Dissolves drama
Don’t let the past ruin your day! / Everything happens for a reason… but you get to choose the reason! Benefits: Creates benefit from hardship Gives meaning to adversity Allows you to see others positively Opens the door to forgiving From ‘why is this happening to me?’ to ‘why is this happening for me?’
Don’t let your past ruin your day! From victim to hero in 90 seconds / Make a slight adjustment to your emotional rear-view mirror Re-tell the story you tell yourself You become the hero not the victim! Same facts Same situation Different emotional outcome Steps 1.Think of a story you tell yourself 2.Find at least one positive outcome 3.Re-tell the story with the positive outcome
What you can do right now to stay positive in tough times Give yourself more credit! Dream Big – Think small Live drama free by under-reacting Everything happens for a reason – you get to choose the reason! Re-tell the story so you are the hero! /
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