The West in an Islamic Mirror Part II Muzaffar Iqbal Baqir al-Ulum University, Qum, Iran November-December 2005 Muslims and the West
Four Facets to the Mirror The Making of the Contemporary West The Making of the Contemporary Muslim World Muslims in a Western Mirror The West in an Islamic Mirror dfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf DFDFDFDFDFDFDFDF
A Muslim Lens Unlike the Islamic lens, it is bound by space and time (history); one must contextualize. How did Muslims see the West at various times in global history? Turkish map of the Americas printed in the Jihan Numa of Hajji Khalifah
Medieval Europe (barbarism, ahl al-kitab)
European Scientific Revolution (ranging from interest to apathy to ignorance)
Colonization (inferior, despairing, aspiration to climb colonizers’ social order)
Muslim Nation-states and the West
Muslim Institutions, Rulers, the West
Attempts to counter Western influence often attack the surface (do not address primary causes).
Economic Alliance of Necessity Case studies Arabia Jordan Egypt Pakistan Kuwait Gulf States
Muslim Masses and the West Technology forming the image The media –Education –Books, Ideas Values, ethics, and relationships in Muslim society Popular image of the West