N.Kozlova, N. Maximov North-West Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification (SZNIIMESH) Saint-Petersburg, Russia PRAGUE 26 … 28 April 2006 Improvement of ventilating systems for animal houses as a potential ammonia abatement technique
The place of climate control system in release and transportation of ammonia and other contaminants into the atmosphere
The test results of ammonia emission from a fattening pig house F E D C B А Ammonia emission rate from various zones of the pig pen. Concentrations of saturated ammonia vapours in various zones of the pig pen The cross-section of the pig pen "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" - zones of manure decomposition
Ammonia emission –ventilation rate
Ammonia emission –air temperature
Minimum required inputs - the ventilation rate and the heat requirement in the fattening pig house for 600 pigs (weight from 40 kg to100 kg) for typical St.Petersburg outdoor temperature and humidity limits
Minimum ventilation rate to provide the nominal indoor temperature for the insulated dairy barn for 336 cows
The influence of ventilation rate on indoor air temperature and humidity with outdoor temperature variation
SUGGESTED ADDITION TO THE TEXT of Guidance Document EB.AIR/WG.5/1999/8 section V, livestock housing General operational measures to reduce the ammonia emission in pig farms among others are: lowering the indoor temperature as animal welfare and production allow. reducing ventilation rate taking into account the minimum levels required for animal welfare reasons. reducing air flow over the manure surface Significant reduction in power consumption and ammonia emission can be achieved by combined system for controlling heating and ventilation systems that optimally aligned to the requirements of the livestock The ventilation system should be designed so that it has sufficient capacity to control the house temperature in warm summer months when the house is fully stocked with the heaviest animals, and to also have sufficient control to provide a minimum ventilation rate in colder winter months when the house is stocked with the lightest animals.