HiCIAO High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics M. Tamura 1, R. Suzuki 2, K. Hodapp 2, L. Abe 1, H. Takami 3, O. Guyon 3, H. Suto 1, S. Jacobson 2, R. Kandori 1, J. Morino 1, N. Murakami 1, V. Stahlberger 2, A. Tavrov 1, H. Yamada 2, J. Nishikawa 1, N. Ukita 1, J. Hashimoto 1, H. Izumiura 4, M. Hayashi 3, T. Nishimura 3 1)NAOJ 2) UH Hilo, 3) Subaru Telescope, 4) Okayama TPF Coronagraph WS :15-20:25 ( 6 min + 4 min)
Diversity of proto- Planetary disks Compact disk around massive YSOs (BN) Current Subaru AO Coronagraph Cs 36-act. AO + CIAO First "dedicated" IR coronagraph on 8-m telescopes Disk Morphology: spiral, banana-split Companion searches High-resolution Polarimetry: BN, bPic Young very low-mass Companion Bipolar structure only seen in Pol.Spiral disk around AB AurYoung BD around DH Tau
Nasmyth platform Telescope Common Optics + AO Module Coronagraph Module IR Camera Module High Contrast Optics Module Warm Cold Coronagraph Focal masks Pupil stops Differential optics (Wollaston prisms) HAWAII 2-RG 2k 2k HgCdTe array ASICS Controller Filters Common+Differential Pupil Viewer In/out position 188 actuators AO Future: Complementary MEM DM (32 32) HiCIAO Concept Merits Modular style Flexible coronagraph Differential Imaging High performance array & ASIC controller
Observation Modes DI Mode PDI Mode SDI Mode Spectral Differential Imaging Mode FOV : 5"×5" Filter : CH4 set, [FeII] set Double Wollaston Prism Coronagraph available Contrast: Direct Imaging Mode FOV : 20"×20" Pixel scale : 0.010"/pix Wavelengths : 0.85 ~ 2.5μm Filters : J, H, Ks, [FeII], Bgγ, H2, etc. Strehl Ratio : 0.6(J) 、 0.7(H) 、 0.8(Ks) Coronagraph available Polarimetric Differential Imaging Mode FOV : 10"×20" Filter : J, H, Ks, [FeII], Bgγ, H2, etc. Polarimetry with Wollaston Prism and Waveplate Coronagraph available
Optics pictures from OFR (if available) Optics Progress Lens manufacturing (Optics For Research) Wollaston Prism manufacturing (Bernhard Halle) Occulting Mask & Lyot Stop (Applied Image Group) Lenses Various lenses Wollaston prism YLF crystal Filters (Barr Associate)
Mechanics Progress Stages and controller ( Newport ) Fore Optics Local PC control Stages and controller Fore Optics
Mechanics Progress Camera Optics Optical bentch Dewar
Schedule OctCryo-test Optics finish Nov Alignment Dec Final assembling Mar to the summit Optical alignment First light 2007 Lab test