Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 1. Opening Questions Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 1

Opening Questions Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 2

Explain what you know about how or why the nutrient needs of children might be different from adults. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 3

Explain what you know about nutrients children might not be consuming enough of. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 4

Learning Activity Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 5

Complete Part I of the handout by figuring out which nutrient each clue is referring to. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 6

Using the Nutrient Recommendations handout, determine the age, gender, and calorie needs of your mystery character. Record this on Part II of your handout. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 7

Look over the One Day of Food Choices Handout. Focus on the total amounts of nutrients that the meal and snack choices provide. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 8

On the One Day of Food Choices handout, answer the first two questions. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 9

Record some different choices your character could make to meet his or her nutrient recommendations. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 10

Activity Wrap-Up Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 11

Expanding Knowledge Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 12

Nutrient Recommendations For each essential nutrient, there are recommendations for how much should be consumed each day. These vary by:  Age  Gender Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 13

Children and Adolescents Children have higher nutrient needs than adults. Children that do not get proper nutrition may experience stunted growth and development. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 14

Adults Nutrient recommendations to prevent disease and support health. Men tend to have higher nutrient needs.  With the exception of iron and folate. Older adults (50+) have increased needs for calcium and vitamin B6. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 15

Nutrients of Concern Nutrients that a large proportion of Americans are consuming less than recommended.  Potassium  Fiber  Calcium  Vitamin D What are some reasons Americans might not be consuming enough of these? Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 16

Nutrients of Concern for Women For pre-menopausal women and adolescent girls there are also these nutrients of concern:  Folate or folic acid – important for preventing neural tube (brain) defects in growing fetuses.  Iron – replacing iron lost due to menstruation. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 17

Changing Iron Needs with Age Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 18

Food Sources of Nutrients of Concern Eating enough fruits and vegetables helps with potassium and fiber intake. Eating enough dairy helps with potassium, calcium, and vitamin D intake. Enriched grains are fortified with folic acid. Different food groups provide different nutrients of concern. What are some other food sources? Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 19

Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 20 Nutrients of Concern in School Meals What are some ways the breakfast and lunch meal patterns help children consume nutrients of concern?

Goal Setting Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 21

1.Of the five nutrients we focused on in Lesson 5 (calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, and vitamin D), is there one you would like to consume more of? 2.What are some foods you like to eat that are good sources of this nutrient? 3.Brainstorm some meals or snacks you will try to incorporate these foods into over the course of the next week. Lesson 5: Nutrients of Concern Slide 22

Thank you for participating in Lesson 5! This institution is an equal opportunity provider.