United States Special Operations Command
United States Special Operations Forces
Deployed SUMMARY FOR: Aug 2011 UNCLASSIFIED Global
Joint United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Naval Special Warfare Command (NAVSPECWARCOM) Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC)
COCOM / Service A Unified Combatant Command … with Service, Military Service, Military Department, and Defense Agency-like Department, and Defense Agency-like responsibilities responsibilities Deputy CDR Tampa, FL Vice CDR Washington, DC USSOCOM CDR
560 X Deployed Nodes 54 X Garrison Nodes 5 X SOF Strategic Entry Points 59,000 Global Users GOV / Commercial Use of SatellitesDistributed
$9.8 Billion a year budget 1.4% of DOD Budget 3% of DOD personnel 7% of all forces deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq (81% of all deployed SOF) 11.2% of budget spent on C4IASCost-Effective
SOF Core Values Integrity Courage Competence Creativity As Individuals
Who is the Typical SOF Operator? On average, he is about 34 years old, college- educated, married and has at least two kids. On average, he is about 34 years old, college- educated, married and has at least two kids. A thinking athlete – football, track, wrestling or water polo; enjoys games which require problem solving (Chess). A thinking athlete – football, track, wrestling or water polo; enjoys games which require problem solving (Chess). He has 8 years experience in the General Purpose Forces; has attended multiple advanced tactical schools and speaks at least one foreign language. He has 8 years experience in the General Purpose Forces; has attended multiple advanced tactical schools and speaks at least one foreign language. The SOF Operator
SOF Core Activities / Operations
How We Communicate – 321,000 per day VTC – 210 per day Portal – 72,000 per day Phone – 424,435 per day We use every medium of communication to support the SOF Enterprise
Command Why We Communicate
Control Why We Communicate
Send and Receive Intelligence Why We Communicate
Target the Enemy Why We Communicate
Pass Information to Higher HQ Why We Communicate
Build Trust / Establish Relationships Why We Communicate
Crisis Management Why We Communicate
Pass Assessment Why We Communicate
Continuous Cycle / 24 Hours a Day / 365 Days a Week
Universal domain Improved “Reception” Enterprise Cloud Full Spectrum Search Engine Ironclad Protection What We Need