All About Deer Ayden Jones
Were they live Here are the places where deer live. North America Europe northern Africa and Asia.
The deer’s habitat These are the wonderful places deer live. Meadows Dense Forests Mountains And Swamps
Predators There are many predators of deer here are some. Wolves Mountain Lions Humans And many more
Weather This is what the weather is like. Damp Warm Cold Dry
Adaptations These are its adaptations Fur acts as camouflage to help the animal blend in with its surroundings. Antlers help protect male deer from predators and other male deer. Ears help the deer hear things really fast so it can hide from predators. Teeth help deer eat tough grass and leaves
Diet This is the deer’s yummy diet Grass Leaves Roots Shrubs
Migration These are were the deer go for migration Mountians Forests Fields
Raising their young These are the ways deer raise their young. Licks the fawn clean after birth so predator don’t smell the babies. Hides baby in the grass so it can grow strong and to hide from predators. Females stay with their mother about two year and the males leave after a year because they are considered adults.
Animal sounds Deer sound Squirrel sound Cardinals sound
Color These are the colors of the deer. White Tan Brown Orange
Tempatruer These are the average tempatuers were deer live. 20s 60s 90s 100
Fun facts Here are some fun facts. They can run70mph They can live 10 to 20 years Their main prey are acorn, fruit, and grass. The can have 1to 2 babies at a time.