“Christian Leadership”
“Christian Leadership ” ~ A Review of Part One ~
~ Christian Leadership ~ What is the heart of leadership? Philippians 2:6-7 Main Idea: ‘Kenosis’ is to ‘empty’ oneself. Question: What does a servant-leader empty? kenosis
~Christian Leadership ~ What does a servant-leader empty? John 5:30; 5:41; 6:38; 8:28 Main Idea: Servant leaders give up their rights. Question: Why does a servant empty themselves? will knowledge power glory
~ Christian Leadership ~ Why do we empty ourselves? John 14:31 Main Idea: Love is obvious when all else is emptied. Question: Can you serve without love? Love
~ Christian Leadership ~ Can you serve without love? I Corinthians 13:3 Main Idea: We can serve without love. Question: Who are called to serve?
~ Christian Leadership ~ What are called to serve? Main Idea: All are called to be servants/deacons. Question: What is a true deacon? I Peter 4:10
~ Christian Leadership ~ What is a true deacon? John 12:26 Main Idea: ‘Diakonos’ serves like Christ Question: What does diakonos mean ?
~ Christian Leadership~ What does diaknonos mean? Mark 10:45 Main Idea: ‘Run errands’ with love Question: How is it possible to serve with love?
~ Christian Leadership ~ How is it possible to serve with love? Romans 5:5 Main Idea: Emptied vessels can be filled. Question: Who is called to watch out for others? Agape
~ Christian Leadership ~ Who is called to watch out for others? Philippians 2:4 Main Idea: All are called to ‘look out’ for others. Question: What does ‘look out’ mean? ~ Part Two ~
~ Christian Leadership ~ What does ‘look out’ mean? Matthew 15:18; Galatians 6:1 Main Idea: We look out for others spiritual needs. Question: What is another word for lookout?
~ Christian Leadership ~ What is another word for ‘look out’? Main Idea: To ‘oversee’ or ‘see over’ Question: Why would we look out for others? Titus 1:7
~ Christian Leadership ~ Why would we ‘watch out’ for others? John 13:34; Jude 23 Main Idea: We serve and love each other. Question: Does love have an age limit?
~ Christian Leadership ~ Does love have an age requirement? I Timothy 4:12 Main Idea: Youth can serve, watch over and love. Question: Who are called to shepherd?
~ Christian Leadership ~ Who are called to shepherd? James 5:19-20 Main Idea: We all watch out for each other. Question: Who is our good Shepherd?
~ Christian Leadership ~ Who is the good shepherd? John 10:11 Main Idea: Jesus is the good Shepherd Question: Who is the Chief Shepherd?
~ Christian Leadership ~ Who is the greatest shepherd? Main Idea: Jesus is the greatest shepherd. Question: What is a goal for all? Hebrews 13:20
~ Christian Leadership ~ What is a goal for all? Main Idea: To grow in the mind of the perfect Deacon and Shepherd, Jesus Christ Ephesians 4:13
~ Christian Leadership ~ A summary of Main Points: 1.God calls all to serve (diakonos-deacon). 2. ‘Servant-leaders’ live the ‘kenosis’ of Christ 3.Servant leaders ‘watch out’ for others. 4.Watching out for others has no age limit. 6.Servant-leaders watch for others out of love. 7. The perfect Shepherd is Jesus. 8.We should grow into the mind of Christ, as we serve (deacon) and watch out (oversee) for others.