ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Learning Areas Levels Objectives website Description colors Authors
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Objective : Familiarize students with colors. Steps: 1- worm up the class with short songs and poems about colors. 1- show them some colors. 2- write the name of these colors. 3- give them some pictures and ask them to name their colors. 4-give them some exercises. At the end of the class students will be able to : identify the Differences between colors Documents
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Orange Orange is a carrot And the orange I eat Orange are these bright new socks I wear upon my feet!
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Yellow Yellow is a lemon Yellow is a star Yellow is the sun In the sky so far
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Red Red is an apple Red is a rose Red is the color of My frozen, icy nose!
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Green More Green Green are the branches Budding in the sun And green are many vegetables
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links A short story about colors Color activities Color songs Open this
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links group working exercise: Group One: Seeing Differences between. Below are four pictures of frogs on logs. The question below applies to each. Two of these frogs are the same color. Do you know which ones they are?
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links Group two: Name the colors of the frogs.
ColorsColors pictures animations video songs exercises worksheet links To see more videos about colors open thisTo see more videos about colors open this Work sheet