Somerset Beliefs S - Set high expectations O - Objective M - Meaningful curriculum E - Effective R - Resourceful and responsible life long learners S - Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E - Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T - Teachers who are highly qualified
Senior Hoodie Price: $31.95 including tax Order forms are found in the main office. Available in small, medium, and large sizes (limited) 4 mediums, 3 larges, 4 small left!!!! First come first serve! Front Back
*Announcements* Spring Break 2017 – British Isles ❖ Registration is now open - 32 seats available Tour Number: KT Spring Break China Registration is now open – 30 seats available ❖ Tour Number: WJ
SAT will be launching a new version of the SAT in March Quick Facts 4 parts: Reading, Writing and Language, Math, and the optional SAT Essay 400–1600 score scale 3 hours and 50 minutes with the SAT Essay — or 3 hours without it 4 answer choices 4 college application fee waivers for every student who uses an SAT fee waiverSAT fee waiver You can find more information about the new scoring process and what's different on the test in the main office.
Seniors! When applying for universities/colleges you must remember to fill out an Official Transcript Request Form found in the main office. For security reasons we will not be releasing transcripts without your written permission. Forms can we found in the spindle under the GUIDANCE tab in the MAIN OFFICE. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Hernandez.
University Application Deadlines! UCF - May 1 st, 2016 FAU - May 1 st, 2016
Scholarship Opportunity Law Firm of Ayo and Iken will be awarding TWO $1,000 scholarships for select seniors. To see if you qualify please visit their web site at Deadline for Application is May 1st, scholarship-ayo-iken/
Bright Futures Seniors the Florida Financial Aid Application is available Visit the following website to apply.
Kahn Academy Free to students who have taken the PSAT! It’s a great way for you to personalize your learning needs while preparing for the SAT. PSAT scores are populated directly into Kahn Academy, which produces a personalized plan of study for each student. Kahn Academy offers practice exercises and videos tailored to each individual student’s answers and test results! You can work at your own pace to increase skills with instant feedback.
LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY ✓ Application Fee waived for SCPA students ✓ In state tuition offered ➢ Associates of Science in Nursing ➢ Bachelor of Science in Nursing ➢ Bachelor of Business Administration ❑ Accounting ❑ Marketing ➢ Bachelor of Science ❑ Athletic Training ❑ Veterinary Health Science ❑ Criminology and Criminal Justice ❑ Social Work ❑ Environmental Science ➢ Bachelor of Arts ❑ Art ❑ Media Communications ❑ Business ❑ Political Science Harrogate, TN
Tutoring ❖ Lunch Tutoring: 1.Monday- English 2.Tuesday- Science 3.Wednesday- History 4.Thursday- Foreign Language and Math 5.Friday- TBA ❖ After school Tutoring: 1.Monday- Science 2.Tuesday- Math 3.Wednesday- Detention 4.Thursday- English 5.Friday- N/A
**YEARBOOK** **Notice** All Yearbooks Must be Preordered by MARCH 1, 2016 Only $50 Order Yours Today!
Volunteer hours available Botanica Garden Festival & Plant Sale February 13 th -14th School Shirts are required 8am-4pm Saturday and Sunday Tips may be included You must have a volunteer form with parent permission with you if you volunteer, these forms are located in the front office on the spindle. Located at 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd., Port Saint Lucie, FL off of Port St. Lucie Blvd
Entries must be submitted no later than March 16. All artwork must be on poster board no larger than 22 x 28. Please see Ms. Wilson in 107 for more information if you are interested in participating. Law Day Art Contest Open to St. Lucie County students, this year’s theme is the concept of Miranda warnings. Prizes 1st Place: $500 2nd Place: $300 3rd Place: $200
Nature's Vision Environmental Community Service Activity Environmental Science Class and other science students are selling “Science” themed items as a fundraiser to pay for a bus to take the class and others to a beach clean up day. See Mr. Federici or a science student to see the brochure of the items avaiable! T-shirts, towels, toys, jewelery, flowers and much more
Are you interested in Joining the Army? 1.GUARANTEED TRAINING OF CHOICE -You pick your job 2. TUTION ASSISTANCE -$250 per credit/ $4000 per year (after first year of serving) 3. Montgomery GI Bill -UP TO $59,328 (Tax free) 4. POST 9-11 GI BILL -100% Entitlement at 36 MO. Service 5. Cash Enlistment Bonus -Up to $40,000 paid over term of enlistment 6. Pay and entitlements (Per month) -E-1 $1, E-2 $1, –E-3 $1, E-4 $1, O-1 $2, Free medical and dental –Free housing and meals -30 days vacation with pay -Rapid Advancement* -Skill Training* -Earn College Credits* –Shop tax free* – Veteran Preference* -For more information contact Staff Sergeant
2016 Florida State University Young Scholars Program Program Dates: June 12 th through July 23,2016 Application deadline: Postmarked by February 15,2016(NO EXCEPTIONS!!!) YSP is accessible to all highly qualified students who meet the eligibility requirements detailed on the website. Room board and tuition are provided for every admitted student funded by Florida State University
Fetterman & Associates Scholarship Project for details and applications Honors college bound high school seniors and their outstanding teachers if you have any Required to write an original essay describing their MOST INFLUENTUAL TEACHER. The contest is open to seniors who are puring higher education after graduation. Five winners will be chosen and each will be awarded a $1,000 cash Scholarship. The most influential teacher will be recognized and honored with a new tablet computer.
Auditions will be held Tuesday, February 9. Auditioning students MUST be able to stay EVERY Tuesday after school for club meetings and rehearsal. Drama Club Auditions That’s Not How I Remember It by Don Zolidas Students interested in auditioning should meet in room 109 after school next Tuesday, February 2 for more information about the play and parts to audition for.
Next Detention Wed., February 3rd 3:35 to 4:35 PM in room 101 (Tredor’s) with Mr. Federici Next Sat Detention is on Feb 6 th 9:30-12:30 PM
!!!ATTENTION TEACHERS, STAFF, AND STUDENTS!!! If you wish to order food from Jimmy Johns, you may do so one of these two ways: Call or your order to Mrs. Cruz by 11:00am Or Place the order and pay online, and her to let her know to expect it: Please have exact change ready and don’t forget the tip! FYI students, this can be done Monday through Thursday. Students’ orders are not permitted on Fridays!
USF COLLEGE TOUR TRIP Date: February 23 rd, 2016 Cost: $15.00 From 6am-6pm NO REFUNDS AFTER INITIAL PAY. PERMISSIONS SLIPS MUST BE TURNED IN BY FEBRUARY 19 th ! You will get to see the campus as well as the housing options provided by USF.
IRSC DUAL ENROLLMENT Registration for Summer 1, Summer 2, and Fall 2016 opens on March 30 th. Registration ends May 6 th (Summer 1) June 27 th (Summer 2). Spring 2016 Textbooks are due by April 28 th. You may not DROP a class without speaking with Ms. Rains or Mrs. Hernandez once you have registered for your classes. The longer you wait to register, the later your books will arrive. –Book ordering will occur on the following days, so you must have your registration completed by those dates. Order Summer 1: April 22 nd Order Summer 2: June 10 th
Armed Forces The following military branches will have recruiters on campus to speak with you: Marines: February 9 th Army: February 9 th Air Force: Pending Coast Guard: Pending Navy: Pending If you are interested in showing a recruiter your scores, Mrs. Hernandez has a copy of your ASVAB scores in the main office.
Limited amount of seats left FULL PAYMENT is due by FEB 19 Turn in your Permission Slip ASAP C/O Primum et Optimum
February Dress Down Days Sponsored by THE Class of 2016 Feb 5 Feb12 Feb 19 Feb 24 Feb 26 C/O Primum et Optimum
IRSC Creative Writing Contest Contestants: Open to all SCPA students. Seniors will be eligible for an IRSC Scholarship ( Only those Seniors who plan to attend IRSC may enter). All other entries will be eligible for awards. Categories: Each contestant will submit a sample of his/her writing on any subject in only one of the following categories: (1) Short Story or (1) One-Act Play or (1-3) Poems. Format: All entries must be typed. All contestants must use a cover sheet listing: author’s name, grade level, teacher (Brasino), school name, and school phone number. Entries not conforming will not be considered for competition. Contestants are encouraged to make copies of work submitted. Only Award winners will be contacted. Additional information: All entries must be turned in to Ms. Brasino on or before February 25. Awards Ceremony: Thursday March 31, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at IRSC Main Campus, Brown Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Y-102) Please see Ms. Brasino (104) if you have any additional questions.
Politics Opportunity The school has been approached asking for students who want to participate in a forum where they will be asked questions & discuss the candidates running for president. Students interested in possibly taking part should talk to Mrs. Rains
National Honor Society SCHOLARSHIP, SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER Calling all those who have what it takes Minimum criteria to apply include the following: Sophomore standing 3.5 unweighted GPA WITH NO GRADE LOWER THAN A “C” Have taken at least one honors course each year in high school No referrals in high school 75 community service hours (completed and documented by administration by date of application deadline-March 15 th, 2015.) Two letters of recommendation-one from teacher, preferably in honors level course and one from another source (work, church, community service, etc.) APPLICATIONS will be available from Ms. O’Connor in room 114, beginning February 12, 2016.
National Honor Society SCHOLARSHIP, SERVICE, LEADERSHIP, CHARACTER Calling all those who have what it takes Minimum criteria to apply include the following: Sophomore standing 3.5 unweighted GPA WITH NO GRADE LOWER THAN A “C” Have taken at least one honors course each year in high school No referrals in high school 75 community service hours (completed and documented by administration by date of application deadline-March 15 th, 2015.) Two letters of recommendation-one from teacher, preferably in honors level course and one from another source (work, church, community service, etc.) APPLICATIONS will be available from Ms. O’Connor in room 114, beginning February 12, 2016.
ATTENTION JUNIORS! Do not wait until your 12 th grade year to take care of your online required course for graduation. Plan to take one before the summer or over the summer. See Mrs. Hernandez or Mrs. Davidson for more information.