VP Quarterly Report on Strategies Q2 – 2015/16 VP: Michael Redenbach – Integrated Health Services Mental Health &Addictions Multi-year Plan Vision: Healthy people, families and communities.
Portfolio Overview Mental Health & Addiction Service Line –Outpatient Adult Mental Health Services –Outpatient Child & Youth Mental Health Services –Inpatient Mental Health Services –Outpatient & Inpatient Addiction Services –KOT
Multi Year Strategic Plan VP leading on:
Balanced Care Model Pooled Referrals –All Psychiatrists, contract and fee-for-service, will participate –Patients will get an appointment with the next available psychiatrist –Use Mental Health triage and intake service so that other services are also activated –Goal is to reduce wait times and wait lists
Psychiatry Re-design Consultation Liaison Team to provide services throughout hospital to other acute care units Five Hospitalist psychiatrists devoted to inpatient care –Better, more timely inpatient care with improved family dialogue and coordination of care with other services –Better discharges and hand-off to community services.
Crisis and Outreach Redesign Redeploy staff from three small teams, to create one team to provide better access after hours, and to provide outreach and support to high risk and vulnerable persons –Renamed Community Outreach and Support Team (COAST) Initiate Police and Crisis Team (PACT) aimed at supporting people in crisis, and diverting them from jail or emergency department
SPMI Redesign Reorganize programs devoted to people with severe and persistent mental illness Provide concurrent services for people with an addiction and a mental illness Renamed Community Recovery Services
Mental Health and Addictions Multi-year Plan Provincial Health System Outcome By March 2019, there will be increased access to quality mental health and addictions services and reduced wait time for outpatient and psychiatry services
Provincial Improvement Targets By March 31, 2016, waits for contract and salaried psychiatrists will meet benchmark targets to a threshold of 50% By March 2016, 85% of Mental Health and Addictions clients will meet the wait time benchmarks based on their triage level. By March 31, 2017 wait time benchmarks for mental health and addictions will be met 100% of the time. Mental Health and Addictions Multi-year Plan
Mental Health & Addictions Multi-year Plan Outcome Measure Percentage of Clients Meeting the Triage Benchmarks in Psychiatry Programs Triage Benchmarks Very Severe - 24 hrs Severe - 5 working days Moderate - 20 working days Mild - 30 working days Goal - 85%
Mental Health & Addictions Multi-year Plan Outcome Measure Percentage of Clients Meeting the Triage Benchmarks in Addictions Outpatient Triage Benchmarks Very Severe - 24 hrs Severe - 5 working days Moderate - 20 working days Mild - 30 working days Goal - 85%
Mental Health & Addictions Multi-year Plan Outcome Measure Percentage of Clients Meeting the Triage Benchmarks in Outpatient Mental Health Triage Benchmarks Very Severe - 24 hrs Severe - 5 working days Moderate - 20 working days Mild - 30 working days Goal - 85%
Status of Strategy Implementation Successes Successes/What is working Value stream mapping, daily visual management, using PQA and other data to better understand the service line issues Distributed Leadership in projects – tap into the expertise of many, leadership characterizes the team Implementation Science – set up projects to sustain outcomes Cross-functional work and support especially with ED and IT Collaborative work with Ministry of Health Patient partnership with Canadian Mental Health Association
Status of Strategy Implementation – Challenges & Risks Challenges/Gaps/Risks Challenges: Communication – we don’t do enough Change Management – we don’t always get it right Demand from other areas, both internal and external to the region Risks: Change fatigue Loss of momentum in projects Temporary dip in capacity at some points of program change Meeting wait time target must not compromise quality
Next Steps Continue work on referral management, psychiatry redesign, crisis and outreach services, and the program for people with severe mental illness Collaboration with IT on Clin docs project Continued implementation/refinement of daily work boards (daily visual management) and cascade metrics that facilitate problem solving Prepare for major changes to Mental Health Services Act (proclamation expected Fall 2015 sitting) Work on smaller point improvements using Lean tools – med error reduction on inpatient