Sculpture Trimester 2 Working in three dimensions
Creative Practices Imagine – Think – Form a mental image of the concept you want to construct Investigate – Observe or study through exploration or examination – Plan Construct – Do – Make or form by combining and arranging parts or elements Reflect – Look back, assess your work, and make a plan for moving forward
Form – Three dimensional shape and structure of an object Organic – Natural or irregular – Not definable by formula Geometric – Structured – Definable by mathematic formula
Positive and negative space Positive space is the actual sculpture Negative space is the area around and between elements of the sculpture Equally important both should be though about and planned
Balance Three types of balance – Symmetrical Same on both sides – Asymmetrical Different on each side – Radial Same around a central axis point
Balanced Functional balance – Means that your work stands or hangs as it is supposed to – Good planning and construction needed to insure your work actually stands up or hangs in a viewable fashion
Texture The feel or appearance of a surface Real/Actual – Actual feeling of the surface Rough, bumpy, fuzzy, etc Implied/Visual – Visual interest or pattern added to give illusion of texture
Important Concepts Unity – All parts of your project belong – Repetition of elements to link work together Color, shape, size, texture Contrast – Adding and element of surprise and emphasis – Something stands out on your project Size, shape, color, texture Movement – Directing the path of your viewers eye through your work