1 PACS and Teleradiology Special Interest Group Autumn 2005 Meeting Kevin Tucker, Diagnostic Imaging Modernisation Project Manager, Welsh Assembly Government 15 November 2005 PACS in Wales & Diagnostic Imaging Modernisation
2 Background PACS in all Welsh Trusts soon RadIS used in all bar one Trust in Wales –Product enhancement - RadIS 2 –Modernisation projects Informing Healthcare –Individual Health Record –Service improvement projects –Other projects
3 Current Issues in Diagnostic Imaging Designed for Life –Regional Networks –Waiting time targets RIS functionality and demands from service and Welsh Assembly Government PACS integration Coordination of projects Cross border patient care
4 Modernisation Workstreams 1. Planning2. Quality3. Demand, Activity & Capacity 4. Workforce5. IM&T Infrastructure 1.1 National Investment Framework 2.1 Quality Standards 3.1 Demand Management 4.1 Workforce Planning 5.1 Assessment of IM&T Needs 1.2 Central Support & Guidance for Business Cases 2.2 Radiographer / Medical Physicist Role Development & Reporting Protocols 3.2 Capacity Utilisation 4. Workforce Development 5.2 Feasibility of National PACS Integration 1.3 Specification of Regional Imaging Networks 2.3 Patient Choice & Access 3.3 Benchmarking Survey 4.3 Training Scheme for Assistant Practitioners 5.3 Home Access / Working 2.4 Care Pathways3.4 Review of MRI Services 4.4 Training Needs Analysis 2.5 Patient Information
5 Aims for the IM&T workstream Record current situation and perform gap analysis Produce specification for future needs Produce a business case and implement
6 Outcomes Radiology images and reports as part of single integrated electronic health record Anywhere to anywhere image transmission Remote interpretation of images Support for Radiologists Aid to recruitment & retention Integration to reduce transcription errors, improve workflow and maximise productivity Comprehensive performance management data
7 Project lead for workstream Support from service Proposed plan supported by Advisory Forum Collaboration with Informing Healthcare –Reports / images as part of Individual Health Record? –PACS integration as a Service Improvement Project? –Results Reporting project Where are we now?
8 Rollout the RadIS 2 system with a suitable commercial data interrogation tool Specification for an all Wales RIS system to be drawn up in conjunction with requirements for national PACS integration Proposed Plan
9 Advisory forum sub-committee to provide a method where IT requirements and recommendations can be discussed and delivered. Work with Health Solutions Wales to deliver the interim solution Define the specification/requirements for the interim management information solution Perform organisational readiness assessment to work out implementation plan Communicate and gain consensus for the way forward Next Steps
10 Any Questions?