INDEX: United Nations United Nations Main organs Main organs Issues Issues General Secretary General Secretary Goals Goals
UNITED NATIONS The United Nations ( UN ) is an international organization to promote international cooperation. The organization was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II in order to prevent another such conflict. It is composed by 193 members. INDEX
MAIN ORGANS The main organs of UN are: General Assembly the main deliberative assembly; Security Council for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security; Economic and Social Council for promoting international economic and social cooperation and development; Secretariat for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN; International Court of Justice the primary judicial organ INDEX
ISSUES Its issues are: Economic growth and sustainable development Human rights International peace and security Development of Africa Humanitarian assistance Justice and international law Nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons disarmament Drug control, crime prevention and counter terrorism. INDEX
GENERAL SECRETARY The General Secretary of United Nations is Ban-ki Moon from Korea. He assumed office on 1 January INDEX
GOALS Combact HIV/AIDS malaria and other diseases Develop global partnership for development Achieve universal primary education Reduce child mortality Promote gender equality and empower women Ensure enviromental sustainability Eredicate extreme poverty and hunger Improve maternal health END