Lesson #4 Citizenship BeforeAfter Every person living in the United States is a citizen. Everyone in the United States is required to vote in all elections. A jury is very important to the court system. All males 18 or older must register for the draft. The United States does not have a constitutional democracy. Aliens are allowed to vote in the United States. Anticipation Guide Write a T if you think the statement is True or F if you think the statement is False.
Lesson #4 Citizenship Essential Question: How do United States documents identify rights and responsibilities of a citizen?
Lesson #4 Citizenship Vocabulary 1) Citizen- anyone born in the United States or whose parents are U.S. citizens. 2) Alien- any person who is not a citizen 3) Mandatory Citizen Responsibility- something that you have to do as a citizen. 4) Voluntary Citizen Responsibility- Something that you should do as a citizen to make your community better place to live.
Lesson #4 Citizenship Types of Citizens in the United States. There are two ways that someone becomes a citizen. Citizen by Birth- 2 methods 1) The Law of the Soil- anyone born on United States soil is a citizen of the United States. 2) The Law of Blood- anyone born to parents that are citizens.
Lesson #4 Citizenship Types of Citizens in the United States. Naturalization- a process that a none citizen goes through to become a citizen. It involves taking a test in English and United States Government/History
Lesson #4 Citizenship Create a T- Chart like this Citizen Responsibilities MandatoryVoluntary
Lesson #4 Citizenship Mandatory Citizen Responsibility 1) Paying Taxes- people must pay taxes to the government so that the government can run schools, give people healthcare, food, fix roads, have police and firefighters. 2) Obeying Laws- People have to obey laws. 3) Serve as a Witness- If you saw a crime, you must tell the court what had happened. The justice system depends on people to share evidence.
Lesson #4 Citizenship Mandatory Responsibilities continued 4) Jury Duty- The court system relies on a jury. A jury decides if someone is innocent or guilty. Without a jury, we have no court system. 5) Registering for the draft. – Every male over the age of 18 must register for the draft. This is an important way for our military to get members in time of war.
Lesson #4 Citizenship Voluntary Citizen Responsibilities 1) Voting- All U.S. citizens over 18 have the right to vote. We need all citizens to vote in order to carry out the type of government that was laid out in the Constitution. 2) Volunteering- helping others in your community without getting paid. It makes your community a better place to live.
Lesson #4 Citizenship The Voting Process- 1) Registration- *Must be a citizen of America *Be age 18 *Be a resident of a state
Lesson #4 Citizenship The Voting Process- 2) Primary Elections- Two Types Closed Primary- you may only vote for candidates from the party that you are registered with. Open Primary- you may vote for a candidate from any party Purpose of a Primary Election is to select a candidate for the General Election
Lesson #4 Citizenship The Voting Process- 3) General Elections- *This is the main or big election *They take place the second Tuesday in November More people vote in general elections than they do in primary elections.