M EXICO By Molly K.
T HE F LAG The colors on the Mexican flag are red, green and white. Green is for hope for the future, red is for the blood of Mexican heroes, and white is for unity among Mexican people. This is the flag: The in the coat of arms there is a Mexican golden eagle devouring a snake.
M EXICAN F OODS Some famous Mexican foods are: quesadillas, tostadas, burritos and tacos
T HE C URRENCY Mexico’s currency is pesos. One peso equals about $ Pesos aren’t like American dollars. If you find paper money that is 200 pesos, in American dollars that would be $ Pesos look like this:
F AMOUS P EOPLE Some famous Mexican people are : Angeles Mastretta, a Mexican author and journalist, and Paco Caleron, a cartoonist. Paco Calderon self portrait: Angeles Mastretta:
W ELL -K NOWN P LACES A few famous Mexican places are: Cancun, Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta. There are many more than three. Acapulco is known for it’s luxury and it has one of the most stunning sunsets in the world. Cancun is known for it’s beautiful beaches and ongoing activities, both day and night. Puerto Vallarta is known for it’s beaches, water sports and wildlife. Acapulco: Puerto Vallarta: Cancun:
C ELEBRATIONS Cinco de Mayo (May 5) El Grito de Independencia (Independence Day) Los Dias de Los Muertos ( Day of the Dead) Independence Angel: Day of the Dead:
S ITES acapulco.com/mexico.html and-celebrations/ Pictures from Google olors_of_the_Mexican_flag_stand_for