LREC /05/06
LREC /05/06 COCOSDA is an international organization for coordinating the globalized efforts in language resources and speech technology evaluation. Currently, COCOSDA is organized with a structure which reflects the two dimensions of its functionalities: "Topic Domains" and "Regional Programs". The former considers the dynamic technology environments, while the latter addresses the regional differences and activities. Four topic domains have been established: Evaluation of Speech Understanding/Dialogue Systems, Multi-Modal Corpora, Corpus Annotation Tools and Local Languages. Six regional programs are currently present: North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Latin America and Africa. Complete information of COCOSDA is available at the following Website: Brief Information about COCOSDA
LREC /05/06 The members of the current Central Coordination Committee (CCC) of COCOSDA include: rapporteurs of all the topic domains and regional programs, data center representatives, advisors, and a convenor, a deputy convenor and a secretary. (I) Working Group: (1) Officers: Convenor: Daffyd Gibon Vice Convenors, Secretary Cocosda current structure
LREC /05/06 (2) Rapporteurs for Topic Domains: Evaluation of Speech Understanding and Dialogue Systems : Multi-modal Corpora: Corpus Annotation Tools: Local Languages: (3) Rapporteurs for Regional Programs: Europe : Khalid Choukri North America: Christopher Cieri Asia : Shuichi Itahashi Oceania : Bruce Millar Latin America : ??? Africa : Justus Roux (4) Data Center Representatives: LDC : Christopher Cieri ELRA : Khalid Choukri Cocosda current structure Advisory Committee: Adrian Fourcin Hiroya Fujisaki Akira Kurematsu Mark Liberman Joseph Mariani Louis Pols
LREC /05/06 Big initiatives Polyphon (back to Genoa) TED Aurora LDC ELRA GSK National Programs (all over the world) Large number of Workshops
LREC /05/06 See Jospeh Mariani slides for more details (Joseph was the first Cocosda Convenor)