Analysis Tools Tutorial: Demonstration/Example/Exercise Ketevi A. Assamagan CERN, September 20 th, 2004
Exercise 0 Login to lxplus and setup CMT Go to your working area for this tutorial and checkout this package too: –cmt co PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/SpecialUtils –Now you should have 3 packages checked out, namely: UserAnalysis AnalysisExamples SpecialUtils cd to the cmt directory of RecExCommon make sure that your requirements file have these 2 lines: use UserAnalysis UserAnalysis-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon use AnalysisExamples AnalysisExamples-* PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon Now do “cmt config”, “source” and “cmt broadcast gmake” cd../run cp ~ketevi/w0/aod/PoolFileCatalog.xml.
Pre-Selection You retrieve the electron AOD container from POOL You iterate over the container For each “electron” in the container, you do some test If the test is successful you save that electron in another container for further processing: pre-selection You can record the container your pre- selection in StoreGate or not
Pre-Selection: example m_userElectronContainer = new ElectronContainer(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS); sc = m_storeGate->record(m_userParticleContainer,m_userContainerName); if (sc.isFailure()) { mLog << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to record user Electron Container in StoreGate" << endreq; return sc; } else mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "User container of electrons recorded in StoreGate." << endreq; const ElectronContainer* elecTES=0; sc=m_storeGate->retrieve( elecTES, m_aodContainerName); if( sc.isFailure() || !elecTES ) { mLog << MSG::WARNING << "No AOD electron container found in TDS" << endreq; return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItr = elecTES->begin(); ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItrE = elecTES->end(); for (; elecItr != elecItrE; ++elecItr) { bool check = (*elecItr)->pt() > m_etElecCut; if (m_checkDataType) check = check && showerShapeCut(*elecItr); if (check) { … m_userElectronContainer->push_back(*elecItr); }
Creating Your Own Containers MuonContainer * muonContainer = new MuonContainer(); Muon * newMuon = new Muon(); newMuon set_IDTrack(…); … muonContainer->push_back(newMuon); The muonContainer “owns” all the newMuon inside it: Delete muonContainer; will also delete all the newMuon PhotonContainer* photonContainer= new PhotonContainer(SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS); photonContainer push_back(newPhoton); photonContainer does not own the newPhoton inside it Delete photonContainer; will NOT delete the newPhotons The AOD container that you retrieve from POOL owns its AOD If you create your own container of pre-selected AOD, be careful: See previous transparency m_userElectronContainer->push_back(*elecItr); *elecItr is pointer to an Electron AOD in original electron AOD container: that container own *elecItr: m_userElectronContainer can NOT own *elecItr. So m_userElectronContainer must be previously created with “View elements” Container ownerShip: SG::OWN_ELEMENTS, SG::VIEW_ELEMENTS
Pre-selection, selection cuts Your analysis code is an ATHENA algorithm Algorithms have properties, modifiable in job options Your analysis cuts are properties of your analysis, properties that you set, adjust in your analysis job options: In your analysis code: DoElectron::DoElectron(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) : DoParticle(name, pSvcLocator) { declareProperty("ElectronEtCut", m_etElecCut = 10.0*GeV); declareProperty("ElectronEtaCut", m_etaElecCut = 2.5); declareProperty("ElectronCone", m_elecCone = 0.9); ….; } In your DoElectron = Algorithm( "DoElectron" ) DoElectron.DeltaRMatchCut = 0.2 DoElectron.MaxDeltaR = DoElectron.AODContainerName = "ElectronCollection“ DoElectron.TruthContainerName = "SpclMC" DoElectron.UserContainerName = "MyPreSelectedElectrons" DoElectron.ElectronEtCut = 5.0*GeV DoElectron.ElectronEtaCut = 2.5 DoElectron.ElectronCone = 0.9 DoElectron.NtupleLocID = "/FILE1/Electron/100" DoElectron.NtuplePrefix = "Electron" DoElectron.HistDirectoryName = "Electron"
Analysis Tools, Utilities Combination Permutation DeltaR matching Selector Filter Special Utilities Navigation Association The following tools are currently available
Analysis Combination Retrieve the container of AOD jets If the container has more than 2 jets, get all the combinations of 2 jets and do something: AnalysisUtils::Combination comb(jetTDS,2); std::vector jj; while (comb.get(jj)) { double mjj = (jj[0]->hlv()+jj[1]->hlv()).m(); m_jj->fill(mjj,m_eventWeight); if ( fabs(mjj-mW) < m_deltaMjj ) { CompositeParticle * Wjj = new CompositeParticle(); Wjj->add(jetTDS,jj[0],jj[1]); Wjj->set_charge(1); Wjj->set_pdgId(PDG::W_plus); Wjj->set_dataType(m_dataType); m_WjjContainer->push_back(Wjj); } } }
Analysis Permutation AnalysisUtils::Permutation permute(bjetTDS,2); std::vector bb; … while (permute.get(bb)) { IParticleContainer::const_iterator wjjItr = m_WjjContainer- >begin(); IParticleContainer::const_iterator wjjItrE = m_WjjContainer->end(); … }
DeltaR Matching Get a handle on the tools in the initialize() method: IAlgTool *tmp_analysisTools; sc = toolSvc->retrieveTool("AnalysisTools",tmp_analysisTools); if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != sc) { omLog << MSG::ERROR << "Can't get handle on analysis tools" << endreq; oreturn StatusCode::FAILURE; } m_analysisTools=dynamic_cast (tmp_analysisTools); int index = -1; double deltaRMatch; /// find a match to this electron in the MC truth container /// the index and deltaR are returned bool findAMatch = m_analysisTools->matchR((*elecItr), mcpartTES, index, deltaRMatch, (*elecItr)->pdgId()); /// the matched object and deltaR are returned bool findAMatch = m_analysisTools->matchR((*elecItr), mcpartTES, element, deltaRMatch, (*elecItr)->pdgId());
Selector class DoMuon {... static bool criteria (const Muon *mu, DoMuon *self); }; bool DoMuon::criteria (const Muon *mu, DoMuon *self) {... bool findAMatch = self->m_analysisTools ->matchR(mu,self->m_mcpartTES,index,deltaRMatch,mu- >pdgId()); if (!findAMatch) return false;... return true; } StatusCode DoMuon::doPreSelection() {... m_analysisTools->select(this,DoMuon::criteria,muonTES,"PreMu"); } A collection of selected objects is recorded in StoreGate with key=“PreMu”
Filter The filter uses the Selector For example, you search for W jj decay in MC truth collection Available but not yet in the repository Code, use case, example provided by S. Binet
Special Utilities General solutions to a subclass of problem Objective is: each user does not have to write the same piece of code to do this Example: use the W mass constraint for the pz solution of the neutrino momentum Return a container of neutrinos as IParticle, for example: for (; leptonItr != leptonItrE; ++leptonItr) { bool findNeutrino = NeutrinoUtils::candidatesFromWMass((*leptonItr), m_pxMiss, m_pyMiss, (*m_neutrinoContainer)); if (findNeutrino) { do something …} } Neutrino from tau -> a+b+missingPt – solution to the collinear appriximation: NeutrinoUtils::candidatesCollinearApproximation(IParticle*, IParticle* m_pxMiss, m_pyMiss, (*m_neutrinoContainer));
Navigation Back navigation to ESD (see Tadashi’s demonstration) Navigation to Constituents, for example: CompositeParticle* W = new CompositeParticle(); W->add(jetContainer, jet1, jet2); If (!W->contains(jet3)) { do something;} NavigationToken * cellToken = new NavigationToken (); jet->fillToken(*cellToken); NavigationToken ::const_iterator c = cellToken->begin(); NavigationToken ::const_iterator cend = cellToken->end(); for(; c != cend; ++c) { oconst CaloCell* thisCell = *c; odouble weight = jet->getParameter(thisCell); // odouble weight = (*c).second; odouble et = weight * thisCell->et();
Association For example, Jet to TrackParticle Association: relation but not belonging: –AssociationLink: 1-to-1 reconstructed-MC truth association soft-hard electron overlap –AssociationVector: 1-to-many –AssociationMap: many-to-many (W jj MC, W jj reconstructed) P. Loch, S. Binet
The CompositeParticle class CompositeParticle : public ParticleBase, public Navigable, public P4PxPyPzE {}; CompositeParticle* W = new CompositeParticle(); W add(jetContainer,jet1); W add(jetContainer,jet2); double wMass = W m(); HepLorentzVector p = W hlv(); Navigation if (W contains(jet1)) { Navigate to CaloCell (see page 21) } Composite of other Composites CompositeParticle * Z1 = new CompositeParticle(); Z1 add(electronContainer, e1, e2); CompositeParticle * Z2 = new CompositeParticle(); Z2 add(MuonContainer,mu1,mu2); CompositeParticle * theHiggs = new CompositeParticle(); theHiggs add(zContainer,Z1,Z2); double higgsMass = theHiggs m();
The 4Momentum Design already proposed by the RTF – implementation by Rousseau et al. Look at the CVS package offline/Event/FourMom Particles: Electron, Muon, Photon, BJet, TauJet, ParticleJet, Neutrino & CompositeParticle: Get methods: p(), m(), px(), hlv(), etc double mass = Z m(); Set methods: TauJet * tJet = new TauJet(); double px = …; double py = …; double pz = …, double e= …; tJet set4Mom(HepLorentzVector(px,py,pz,e));
The Particle Classes class Muon : public ParticleBase, public P4IPtCotThPhiM, public Navigable { …}; class MuonContainer : public DataVector {...}; For the public methods available to you, look in ParticleEventParticleEvent
The TrackParticle Look in ParticleParticle class TrackParticle : public P4PxPyPzE, public NavigableTerminalNode, virtual public INavigable4Momentum { public: …; TrackParticle(const Trk::Track* parTrack, TrackParticleOrigin prtOrigin, const Vtx::RecVertex* recVertex); …; protected: //!< pointer to a TrkTrack ElementLink m_originalTrack; …; };
Exercise 1 (1)Go back the UserAnalysis package (2) Create a container of pre-selected electrons (3) Record this container into StoreGate (4) Retrieve the AOD electron container from StoreGate (5) Loop over AOD electron, do pre-selection and Insert pre-selected AOD electron in the new container created in step (2) (6) Retrieve the container of pre-selected electrons from StoreGate (7) Create Composite Z e+e- and histogram m_ee (8) Compile, build and run the code (9) Plot the Z ee invariant mass
Exercise 2 (1) Repackage exercise 1 into a private method, say zee() (2) Add a private method Wjj(), for W jj reconstruction (3) Add a private method t Wj for the top reconstruction (4) Add a private method for t Wb reconstruction
Acknowledgements All the participants of the UCL workshop, April , London All the participants of the Analysis Tools Meetings H. Ma, F. Paige, S. Rajagopalan, P. Calafiura D. Rousseau, D. Costanzo, F. Akesson, A. Wildauer, et al K. Cranmer, P. Loch, T. Maeno, S. Binet, I. Hinchliffe