§5 Preschool Child Nutrition Prof. Dr. Jin BQ NJNU
Preshool child: 3-5(6) years old p Physiological property 1.1Body Gain: Continuous faster growth But slower than 0-3old Boy> girl in this period BW > 2-3kg/year BH > 5-8cm/year Head in body: 1/6 Arm & leg: getting longer Muscular increase with bone calcified
1.2 Child’s Body Composition H 2 O Protein (14.6%) Fat Mineral Bone is soft & ossein more lessCa & easy to be bent
1.3 Degestive system Teeth: Replacing period milk tooth left(5 4) secondary dentition(7/8 4) Gut: Developing & growing thiner gut wall slower crawl lower enzyme activity sensitive taste 1.4 Urological system (Kidney) Concentration & dilution weakling
1.5 Cardiac-vessel: weaking fewer blood & RBC Anemia (Fe) 1.6 Brain-nervous: faster developing 3y-old: g 6y-old: g up to 90-93% in adult 大脑皮层比较脆弱, 兴奋过度会引起疲劳; 兴奋与抑制不平衡,兴奋大于抑制
2 Nutritional requirement 2.1 Principle compared to adults Better quality More quantity for kg BW Higher N-concentration Nice & happy sensation
2.2 Nutrients & Energy in DRIs GE: kcal/d + BG Protein: 45-60g/d +1.5g BG Ca: 800mg/d Mg: 150mg/d Na: mg/d Fe: 12mg/d Zn: 9-12mg/d Vit. Notes: Growing slowly, when E supplying less 10 kcal/kg BW in DRIs with negative N-balance Obesity when E supplying more than DRIs
3 Dietary direction 3.1 Meals: 3meals + 2 snacks 3.2 Principle Soft & digestive Better protein with Fe from animal/ soybean Suitable GE Richer Vit., Minerals from fruids & vegetables 2-3 cups dairy milk/ soya milk Enough water drinking lower NaCl diet For preventing obesity, hypertension et al
§6 Shool child Nutrition p y- old(adolescence) 12-18y-old(juvenile) 12-15y-old: 2 nd fast growing period
1 Physiological property Brain-nervous near to adult Muscle & bone growing quickly Bone: O: I =7:3 to 5:5 in adult Teeth alternation Sexual system up to maturity Immuno- system/anti-ill increasing Body conformation up to maturity More independent More activity GR: BW=2-2.5kg/y BH= 4-7.5cm/y
2 Puberty(in juvenile) p Period: Girl in 10-12y-old Boy in 12-14y-old 2.2 Fast growing Boy Girl BG > 9.8kg/y > 8.8kg/y BH > 10.3cm/y > 9.0cm/y Range in total BG 10-20kg BH 15-30cm Notes: Over nutrition to be obesity In nutrition to be growing slowly or delaying
3 Nutrition Requirement -DRIs Teenage Juvenile GE kcal/d kcal/d Protein 55-75g/d 75-85g/d Ca 800mg 1000mg Fe 12/18mg 18/25mg Zn 12/18mg 15/20mg Vit. ---
4 Dietary administration 3 meals as adult No special cooking Various foods Amount increase with growing Better protein > 40% in total 1-2 cups milk/d 1-2 Fruits/d Cereals > g/d E ratio being 30:40:30 in Breakfast:Lunch:Supper
5 Nutr-problems in Obesity Definition: Body fat increase Normal W : 12%/0y 25%/6m 15-18%/20-25%/18y 30-40%/20-50y 50%/ >50y/ 女 Over W: > 30% Broca BW Indexes: BW,BF,BMI,Arm cycle, Skinfold
1 Genetic: 遗传性肥胖 2 Unbalanced diet: 单纯性肥胖 E intake > out 3 Diseases: 下丘脑垂体病变 Ratio change of T 3 /T 4 Obesity occurrence