Cronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob Modd newydd, dynamig, gwreiddiedig a phroffesiynol o gwrdd â’n costau yn Esgobaeth Bangor.


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Presentation transcript:

Cronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob Modd newydd, dynamig, gwreiddiedig a phroffesiynol o gwrdd â’n costau yn Esgobaeth Bangor

The Bishop’s Ministry Fund A new, dynamic, rooted and professional way of meeting our costs in the Diocese of Bangor

Pam adolygu a diwygio? ?

Why review and revise? ?

Cyfraniadau’n lleihau Fformiwla’n rhyfedd weithiau Y ffactorau a ystyrir/ddiystyrir Pwysau ar eglwysi Pwrpas heb ei ddeall Teimlo fel ‘treth’ Mae’r esgobaeth yn newid ?

Contributions declining Formula can be curious Factors included/excluded Pressure on churches Purpose not understood Feels like a ‘tax’ The diocese is changing ?

Guiding principles >

Egwyddorion arweiniol >

Diwinyddiaeth Eglwysoleg Tegwch a chyd-destun Gwerth am arian Rhan o ddarlun ariannol mwy Anogaeth Cyfranogaeth >

Theology Ecclesiology Fairness and context Value for money Part of bigger financial picture Encouragement Participation >

O’n Gweledigaeth Esgobaethol >

From our Diocesan Vision >

Eglwys ddeinamig Eglwys wreiddiedig Eglwys broffesiynol >

A dynamic church A rooted church A professional church >

Esgobaethau eraill

Models in other dioceses

Fformiwla potensial i roi Costau gweinidogaeth Costau gweinidogaeth + Llawer o yrrwyr Seiliedig ar ‘rodd’

Model newydd

A new model

Cronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob

The Bishop’s Ministry Fund

Cwrdd â’r costau hyn: Cyflogau Cyfraniadau pensiwn Persondai Datblygu proffesiynol Cefnogi gweinidogaethau lleyg Magu cenhedlaeth newydd

Meeting these costs: Stipends Pension contributions Parsonages Professional development Supporting lay ministries Raising up a new generation

Cyfanswm ar gyfer yr esgobaeth gyfan Cronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob

The Bishop’s Ministry Fund Total for the diocese as a whole

Dyrannu cyfran deg i bob Synod Cyfran Synod Ynys Môn Cyfran Synod Bangor Cyfran Synod Gogledd Meirionnydd Cyfran Synod De Meirionnydd

Each Synod allocated a fair portion Bangor Synod’s portion North Meirionnydd Synod’s portion South Meirionnydd Synod’s portion Anglesey Synod’s portion

Cyfarfod gosod targedau y Synod

Synod target- setting meeting

Cyfarfod gosod targedau y Synod Cyfran y Synod o Gronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob

The Synod’s portion of the Bishop’s Ministry Fund Synod target-setting meeting

Gosodir targedau gan bob Ardal Gweinidogaeth Cyfarfod gosod targedau y Synod

Targets are set by each Ministry Area Synod target-setting meeting

Mynychu cyfarfodydd gosod targedau y Synod

Attendance at the Synod target-setting meetings

Dau gynrychiolydd o bob AG

Two representatives from each MA

Pecyn gwybodaeth

An information pack

Trosolwg o CGE Esboniad o gyfran y Synod Cyfraniadau yn y gorffennol Darlun ariannol cyfredol Targedau model Protocolau ar gyfer y cyfarfod Annog paratoi arall

Overview of BMF Explanation of Synod’s portion Past contributions Current financial picture Model targets Protocols for the meeting Other preparation encouraged


Addoli a gweddi Wrth agor I gloi

Worship & prayer At the beginning At the end

Ymgynghori Cristnogol: Gwirio siâp y cyfarfod Gwirio’r wybodaeth Targedau cychwynnol Adolygu targedau Targedau diwygiedig Cytuno ar dargedau

Christian conferring through: Checking the shape Checking the information Initial targets Reviewing targets Revised targets Agreeing targets



Gweddigarwch Haelioni Tryloywder Gonestrwydd Colegoldeb Atebolrwydd Elfennau hanfodol

Prayerfulness Generosity Transparency Honesty Collegiality Accountability Essential elements

Cyfarfod gosod targedau yr Ardal Gweinidogaeth

Ministry Area target-setting meetings

Cyfarfod gosod targedau yr Ardal Gweinidogaeth Targed yr Ardal Gweinidogaeth ar y cyd

The Ministry Area’s overall target Ministry Area target-setting meeting

Gosodir targedau gan bob eglwys Cyfarfod gosod targedau yr Ardal Gweinidogaeth

Targets are set by each church Ministry Area target-setting meeting

Mynychu cyfarfodydd gosod targedau yr Ardal Gweinidogaeth

Attendance at the Ministry Area target- setting meetings

Dau gynrychiolydd o bob eglwys

Two representatives from each church

Annog cyfraniadau >

Encouraging contributions >

I’w harchwilio ymhellach Gostyngiadau setlo Ôl-ddyledion Cefnogi datblygiad ariannol Anghynaliadwyedd ariannol >

To be explored Settlement discounts Arrears Financial development Financial unsustainability >

Risgiau !

Risks !

Targedau yn is na’r disgwyl Disgwyliadau o gyfraniad is Risgiau trosiannol Dryswch Angen cydweithio aeddfed Treial dros ddwy flynedd ?

Lower targets than hoped for Expectations of reductions Transitional risks Confusion Collaboration demanded Two year trial ?

Hollalluog Dduw, a ysbrydolaist Deiniol, esgob cyntaf Bangor, i gasglu o’i gwmpas gymuned o Gristnogion i gyd-fyw bywyd cytun; caniatâ i ni, sy’n anrhydeddu’r cof amdano, weithio i atgyfnerthu teulu dy Eglwys mewn ffydd, gobaith a chariad; trwy Iesu Grist dy Fab ein Harglwydd. Amen.

Almighty God, who inspired Deiniol, the first Bishop of Bangor, to gather around him a community to live the common life: grant that we, who honour his memory, may work to build up the family of your Church in faith and hope and love; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Cronfa Gweinidogaeth yr Esgob Modd newydd, dynamig, gwreiddiedig a phroffesiynol o gwrdd â’n costau yn Esgobaeth Bangor

The Bishop’s Ministry Fund A new, dynamic, rooted and professional way of meeting our costs in the Diocese of Bangor