Mastery Learning
Implementation of Mastery Learning The mastery learning instructional process (Guskey, 2007).
Why Mastery Learning Supports Student Learning Teach with purpose (high-quality instruction) Formative assessment Teachers can see patterns of learning and correct them Readings How People Learn: brain, mind, experience and school Understanding by Design (2000).
Evidence of Effectiveness Students reach higher levels of achievement in mastery learning classes Students develop greater confidence as learners
Ontario Curriculum Expectations ●Build a strong foundation in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics ●Use this as a foundation for academic achievement ●Experience lifelong success
How does Mastery Learning Align with the Ontario Curriculum Expectations? ●Focusing on mathematics ○Number sense and numeration strand ○Specific expectation for Grade 2 - represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 100, including money amounts to 100¢, using a variety of tools (mathematics, p. 43) ●Mastery Learning ○Pre-assess - concepts learned in grade 1 ○Deliver the first lesson to support the expectations ○Formative assessment ○Enrichment & corrective activities ○Deliver the second lesson to support the expectations
Mastery Learning and Assessment ●Formative assessment ●Corrective activities and Enrichment activities ●Second parallel formative assessment
Assessment and the Ontario Curriculum ●Overall expectations ●Specific expectations
References Agostino, (2012). Mastery Learning-Point/Counter-Point. Retrieved from Bloom, B. S. (1984). The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educational Leadership, 41(8), 4–17. The search for methods of group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. EdDlaoshi. (2008, February 24). Assessment For Learning [Video file]. Retrieved from Gurr, Tony (n.d.). allthingslearning [Web blog post]. Retrieved from Guskey, Thomas R. (2007). Closing achievement gaps: revisiting Benjamin S. Bloom's "Learning for Mastery". Journal of Advanced Academics, Fall, Vol.19(1), p.8(24). Closing achievement gaps: revisiting Benjamin S. Bloom's "Learning for Mastery" Guskey, T.R. (2010). Lessons of Mastery Learning. Educational Leadership, 68(2), Retrieved from National Research Council. (2000). How Experts Differ From Novices. In How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School: Expanded Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2005). The Ontario curriculum grades 1-8: Mathematics. Retrieved from
References Continued Ontario Ministry of Education. (2009). The Ontario curriculum grades 1-8: The Arts. Retrieved from Ontario Ministry of Education (2010). Growing Success: Assessment, evaluation and reporting in Ontario schools. Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Education. Retrieved from Ontario Ministry of Education. (2015). Elementary Education. Retrieved from Stellan [Screen name]. (2011, October 1). Assessment for Learning [Web blog post]. Retrieved from