Teacher Leader Endorsement Programme Designing Professional Development Session 1 – Introduction to Instructional Rounds Facilitator: Rebeka Matthews Sousa Mathematics Specialist Teacher, Ministry of Education 1
Give one example from your own lesson (or from a lesson you have seen) that speaks to the standard for mathematical practice that you chose from the bowl. Share with a partner. 2 ENGAGE - Give One!
Place your statement card under one of the following signs: 3 ENGAGE – Agree/Disagree!
Teaching through problem solving is partially evident to fully operational in 100% of classrooms observed as measured by the standard for TTPS rubric. (Strategy I) 100% of teachers are using at least one quality task in every lesson (Strategy III) Increase the percentage of P5, M2 and S1 students achieving In-depth or Sophisticated in the three components of the Problem Solving Rubric (including Mathematical Knowledge, Strategic Knowledge and Communication) by 10% each year. 4 Systemic Mathematics Goals
During this module, Teachers will: Lead and conduct instructional rounds at their schools to gain insight on the mathematics programme at their school. Gather teacher data on their needs for professional learning and development Design professional learning communities or professional development sessions based on the needs of the teachers aligned with school improvement plans and the National Mathematics Strategy. Share with colleagues professional development opportunities Model exemplary teaching in their own mathematics lessons Expectations for this module 5
During this module, Teachers must successfully complete the following assignments: Reading (Instructional Rounds and Professional Development); Conduct Instructional Rounds with Principal and give supporting information for SIP; Distribute, collect and analyze teacher needs survey; Create Professional Development programme for school; Execute a minimum of two PD sessions and receive feedback from teachers on implementation Share with PD experiences with colleagues in the course; Model exemplary teaching regularly (minimum of two visits using Danielson framework) Expectations for this module 6
During this session, Teachers will: Understand the purpose of PD Understand the purpose and structure of Instructional Rounds Set Instructional rounds dates Complete survey of Teacher Needs prior to giving to teachers in their building Key Understandings 7
Collect school data on the Mathematics Programme through Instructional Rounds Identify teacher needs based on inventory survey Create PD Programme 8 Designing Professional Development
The purpose of instructional rounds is to learn about the mathematics programme and the actions we need to take to improve mathematics outcomes. “The primary purpose is for observing teachers to compare their own instructional practices with those of the teachers they observe” (Marzano, 2011) Continuing reading article 9 Instructional Rounds
Problem of Practice Observation of Practice Observation Debrief Next Level of Work 10 Structure of the Instructional Rounds Process
Standard for Teaching Through Problem Solving
Standard for High Quality Tasks
Next session date: Wed. Feb. 24, 4-6 pm How to design PD based on teacher survey Assignments: (due by the next session) Reading (Instructional Rounds & Professional Development) Teacher Support Inventory Set Instructional Rounds date Set lesson visit date 13 What’s next?