1750 ~ 1800
Period Overview The age is balanced The slate is clean God is removed from the scene Polemical works abound
Alternate Names for this Time Period The Age of Reason The Neoclassical Period The American Enlightenment
Characteristics of the Period Social Self~control, Discipline, and Order “The State” is the proper instrument of progress Personal & Social “self- control:” Stop! Think! What could happen? Is this what you want?
Period Social Virtues “Reason” is celebrated Benjamin Franklin’s “moral perfection” Belief in the ability to perfect individuals and society, itself Faith in Human Rationality Valid principles governing individuals, society, & nature
The American Enlightenment The Belief in “Self~Knowledge” Free Inquiry The Scientific Method ~ The application of test & reason America: The New Athens or The New Rome
American Societal Characteristics Pre~occupied with Worldly Values: Individual Rights Social Well~being Growth of Commerce Expression of Political Grievances
American Social Philosophy John Locke’s philosophical Notion: Tabula Rosa America has a “Clean Slate” America’s concern: “Natural Rights of Man”
America’s Divine Providence Deism Remote God Creates & Watches “Know then thyself, presume not God to scan, the proper study of mankind is man.” ~Alexander Pope
Literary Period Characteristics & Influences Literary Works are “Polemical” (extremely argumentative) Patrick Henry Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson John Brown Frederick Douglass Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr.
Literary Period Characteristics & Purposes Public & Political Writing Plain & Simple Language ~ not ornate or extravagant Audience~ Common Citizens Writing concerned with: Clear & Precise Commonsensical Ideas Mathematical Plainness (common sense) All Writing Non~fiction Polemical