Your Honor. Honor – a popular word Bumper stickers Honor killings Honor price Medal of honor.


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Presentation transcript:

Your Honor

Honor – a popular word Bumper stickers Honor killings Honor price Medal of honor

I. What Is Honor?

‘Honor’: value placed on a person Old Testament uses Orig. a commercial term (pair of scales) thus “to be heavy” (valuable) Heaviness is always figurative: honor, splendor, glory, etc.

‘Honor’: value placed on a person New Testament uses Price, value, honor, respect. Vb.: set a price on, honor. Mt.27:9 Ac.4:34 1 Co.6:20 Jesus

I. What Is Honor? II. Who Receives Honor?

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30  1 Tim.1:17  Rv.4:9, 11 Creator is worthy of honor by His creation. Honor is almost ‘praise.’

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5:12-13  Worthy: lit., to weigh, drawing down the scale, thus having the weight of (as much as” another thing, of like value, worth as much). Jn.5:23 JesusFather

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5:12-13  Worthy: lit., to weigh, drawing down the scale, thus having the weight of (as much as” another thing, of like value, worth as much). Jn.5:23 “I AM” Jesus: Jn.8:58 Father: Ex.3:14

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5: Man – image of God  Not physical, but spiritual – mental image.  God has intellect, emotions, will; man too (lesser degree). Child – image of father (temperament) Ro.12:2; 2 Co.4:16, etc.

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5: Man – image of God  Not physical; spiritual – mental image.  Intellect, emotions, will  Man: inferior to animals in strength, speed, instinct Gn.9:6, man represents God on earth Ps.8:5-8 Misplaced, 1 Sm.2:29-30 Surrendered, Prov.5:9 Rewarded, Est.6:3, 7-11

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5: Man – image of God 4. Man – position 1. Parents, Ex.20:12 2. Old, Lv.19:32 3. Rank, Lk.14:…9 4. Brother, Ro.12:10 5. Debts, Ro.13:7 6. Widows, 1 Tim.5:3 (4, 8, 16) Outdo one another in showing honor – ESV Phil.2:3

1. God, 1 Sm.2:30 2. Christ, Rv.5: Man – image of God 4. Man – position 7. Elders, 1 Tim.5:17 8. Masters, 1 Tim.6: Vessels, 2 Tim.2:20-22 (Ac.9:15) 10. Everyone, 1 Pt.2:17. Mt.22: Emperor, 1 Pt.2:17 (13); Dn.4; 2 Pt Wife, 1 Pt.3:7 [cf. Ep.5:33] Jude 8-9 David & Saul: 1 Sm.24, 26 2 Sm.1 / Lk.18:2, 4

I. What Is Honor? III. When Is It Right To Dishonor? II. Who Receives Honor?

Jesus was dishonored, Jn.8:49 Not surprising disciples are, 1 Co.4:10 1. Suffer unjustly, 1 Pt.2:19 2. No credit if deserved, 2:20 3. Christ, our example, 2:21 4. He did not sin, deceive, retaliate, 2:22f Christians, under Nero, 1 Pt.2:13…15, 17 Slaves under masters, 1 Pt.2:18

Do we want Jesus for our example? Ac.4; 5:40-42 His disciples did not Call down God’s wrath upon them 2. Threaten (except God’s judgment) 3. Retaliate 4. Disrespect, slander. [Ac.23] They followed the example of Christ (1 Pt.2:21-23)

“But X misuses / hurts me. Do I have to honor him?” 1. Not by approving / encouraging his sin 2. Not by endangering self or others 3. Because of image of God / or position Christ / slaves / wives (1 Pt.3:1-6) Same basic scope as love (Lk.10)

Jesus’ blood is especially valuable “…but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” – 1 Pt.1:19