Types of retail locations Important factor in success of business Shopping center Group of retail stores operated as one business by one business owner, retails rent space at shopping center Strip centers/ strip mall Malls Kiosk Small shopping space located in center of mall Business district Exterior shopping area developed without much planning Downtown, main street
Types of retail locations A store that is not attached to other retail stores Wal mart, target Lower rent More parking Better visibility No direct competition Convenience Few restrictions on signs, hours, or merchandise Ability to expand
Selection criteria Trade area Geographic area from which store draws its customers Traffic The number of people who pass a trade area during a given period of time Important to count only potential customers Ease of access Ability of customers to get in and out of a business site easily Parking
Selection criteria Visibility Ability of the site to be easily seen by customers Competition How many stores sell the same or similar merchandise Is the completion old or new, modern and growing or old and slowing down Zoning Lease terms Amount of rent Services provided by landlord Length of lease Lease renewal terms Percentage Based on stores sales Fixed rate
Store Image The personality of a store a combination of several elements Type of merchandise Quality of merchandise Sales Associates Design and Layout Bags and Packaging Colors of Store Décor Fixtures and Equipment Lighting & Movement Music & Atmosphere Scent, Smells, Tastes
Store Design Exterior of store, creates first impression Front window Front door Store sign Interior store design Selling space What customer see’s when they walk in, Flooring Wall color Fixtures Behind the scenes Customers do not see Receiving and marking area Storage area office
Store Layout Arrangement of merchandise fixtures and equipment Free-flow Spine layout Loop layout Grid layout Best merchandise forward Put the attractive merchandise in the front of the store Impulse purchases Inexpensive bought with out much thought Gum candy
Visual Merchandising Integrated look of the entire store Displays Presentation of merchandise to attract customers Promotional displays Help to sell merchandise Institutional display Creates goodwill for the store
Display styles Open display Allows customers to touch and handle merch Closed display Glass cases hold valuable or fragile merchandise Room setting display Allow customers to see how merchandise will look in their homes Furniture stores Point of sale Gum and candy Store decoration Used during different seasons or holidays
Display props Items used to enhance a display Decorative used to enhance look of merchandise Functional Used to hold the merchandise