European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre Manfred Ritter 10 May 2001.


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Presentation transcript:

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Priority EIONET data flows and EEA reference centre Manfred Ritter 10 May 2001

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Outline of the presentation  EIONET basics  Actual flow and European products  Challenges and recommendations

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Basics, EIONET - dream or reality?  Council Regulation 1210/90 (933/99)  establishes EEA and EIONET  defines aims and structure  Information  to support/change policy making  on a European level  in a European approach  The European approach - EIONET  define National / European work balance  exchange of information (networking)  transparent  avoid duplication and add value 1

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Basics (2)  Players (layers)  National Reference Centres (NRC)  regular collectors and suppliers of data  National Focal Points (NFP)  national co-ordination  European Topic Centres (ETC)  consortia assisting EEA on certain topics  ETC/ACC database  European Environment Reference Centre (E2RC)  European data access 2

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) 3 Basics (3) - E2RC

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) 4 Basics (4) - EIONET and E2RC

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Basics (5)  Telematics network  EEA web page and reference centre   The national servers  password protected link to EIONET  Circle software  interest groups 5

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Basics (6) - example 6

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

EIONET - actual flow  Products for Europe  CC products  Inventory and trend assessment legal framework: UNFCCC, Monitoring Mechanism data: CRF from countries  AP products  Inventory and trend assessment legal framework: CLRTAP, NEC, LCP, EPER data: NFR from countries  Integrated products  integrated ETC database (CC + AP)  Indicator based reports  E2RC 7

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)

Actual flow (2)  Priority flows for European products  focus on regular reporting system for AP + CC  avoid duplication  consolidate existing flows  base all European products on MS submission copy from national EIONET server or  use for convention (LRTAP, FCCC), and also for EEA and other (EUROSTAT) indicator-based reports scientific data - inventory (submission) - indicator  enhance quality  validate within EIONET (NFP, NRC)  ensure transparency from national to European data 8

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Actual flow (3) - CC (red) and AP (blue) for EU15 9

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Actual flow (4) Actual flow (4)  Why is CC so successful?  Well defined European and international system  Monitoring Mechanism as legal basis  well-balanced involvement of Scientists: IPCC Countries inventory experts: NRCs Policy makers: EU (MM Committe) and FCCC (COP/SBSTA)  defined National / European work balance  WG1 and WG2 guidelines  EEA-ETC/ACC responsible for EU inventory  more involvement of stakeholders (industry) needed to enhance broad acceptance of one common data system 11

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) EIONET - challenges  European CC reports  maintain/improve timeliness and completeness  deadline 31 December 2001  CRF and F-gases  consistency of primary data (fuel statistics)  adapt to new requirements  Inventory Report  National System for Art. 5.1 of the Kyoto Protocol  Good Inventory practice (QA/QC)  possible changes of CRF and Kyoto Protocol 12

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Challenges (2)  European AP reports  set-up/improve timeliness and completeness  European totals, by sectors, for non-GHG needed  new pollutants: HM, POPs  adapt to new requirements  PM10  new format, consistent with CRF  point sources: bottom up consistency, link to EPER/LCP, link to PRTR/Aarhus  gridding: link to urban inventories  IAM: additional data needs  new targets (Gothenburg Protocol, proposed NEC) 13

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) Challenges (3)  Integrated ETC database, reports and services (E2RC)  adapt to changing policy needs  improve policy-change effectiveness  indicators  link with international development  improved intra- and inter-national co-ordination  involve NRC more in preparation 14

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) EIONET improvements, recommendations (1)  National Inventory System  enhanced cooperation  National Institutes and stakeholders Statistical, agriculture,... industry  profide copies to ETC/ACC  posting on the national EIONET server or FCCC, CLRTAP and EU (LCP/EPER/NEC) data in the corresponding format (CRF, NFR,...)  adapt to new requirements  NFR, Kyoto Protocol, EPER, proposed NEC  liase with NFPs and other organisations on indicator discussion/development 15

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) EIONET improvements, recommendations (2)  European Inventory System  consolidate existing data flow on European level  use CC as a model for AP  learn from national experience  adapt to new requirements at European level  adjust Country / European work balance  cooperate with EUROSTAT, JRC, CLRTAP/EMEP  improve data exchange at European level  aim at involvment of sectoral stakeholders  (industry) to enhance broad acceptance  ensure that (newly) reported data is used  policy relevant indicators  further involve NRCs in preparation of EEA/ETC indicator based reports through NFP 15

European Topic Centre Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC) EIONET improvements, recommendations (3)  Support to intern. reporting development  Commission  negotiations on new KP inventory requirements  participation in IPCC workshops  implementation through the Monitoring Mechanism working groups  implementation of LCP and EPER,  development of NEC reporting guidelines,  emission data in CAFE  UNECE  Guidebook and ensure harmonisation with NEC  development of NFR  development of common software tools 15