Animal Research Project First Grade Room 14
Wolverine by Matthew Crispi The wolverine eats frozen chunks of meat sometimes. It licks and gnaws the meat until it is thawed enough to bite some off the bone.
Aardvark by Luke Lu Hunters kill aardvarks because their claws are used for traditional medicine.
Asian Elephant By Jarrett Rousseau Female elephants grow until they are 20 years old. A male elephant grows until they are 30 years old.
Puma by Braeden Hess Pumas can also be called cougars, panthers, lord of the forest, and mountain lions. Each puma lives alone within a home area or territory.
Brown Bear by Barbara Legatos A brown bear stands on its hind legs and is able to balance. It can walk short distances like this. Each foot has 5 toes and sharp claws.
Sloth by Dominic Liquori When you see sloths climb, their arms are twice the size of its legs. Sloths are vegetarians.
Hippopotamus by Ezra Nierenberg When hippopotamus go into the water they find a deep spot and only keep their head up to breathe. Their ears, eyes, and nose are on top of their head so they can see and still keep their bodies in the water.
Polar Bear by Liliana Falcone The polar bear’s fur is whiter in the summer than in the winter. Polar bears can swim 100 miles a day.
Snow Leopard by Emma Collela Snow leopards are carnivores which means they eat meat. They eat goats.
Orca by Makenzie Alogna Baby killer whales are born underwater. The first thing they do is swim to the surface.
Coyote by Jack Farago The Navajo called the coyote Little Brother. The plains people called the coyote the trickster.
Cheetah by Luke Celentano Cheetahs are carnivores. The cheetah uses its long front legs to trip its prey.
Gray Wolf by Alex Bacon The gray wolf is the king of dogs and it is in the dog family. Coyotes, jackals, and foxes are in the dog family too.
Ring Tailed Lemur by Connor Keaney The ring tailed lemur has a head that is the shape of a triangle. They have a pattern tail.
Red Panda by Caroline Lawlor The red panda eats bamboo leaves. It has a special bone near its wrist that acts like a thumb. The thumb helps the red panda grab its food.
Jaguar by Sydney Incarnato The male jaguar can weigh 250 pounds and it can be six feet long. It only snarls and growls.
Red Wolf by Hunter Armstead It is called the red wolf because it has reddish fur. It is nocturnal so it sleeps during the day.
Giraffe by Juliana Vecchio Lions do not have a chance of sneaking up on a herd of giraffes. Giraffes have excellent eyesight and they stay in the open savannas.
Koala by Samantha Ide The koala has an upside down pouch and it likes eucalyptus trees which are also called gumdrop trees.