Vital Statistics By: Kioria Smith & Jenae Barsh
Main Structure Average weight of a gray wolf of NA is lbs The pups reach adult size quickly b/c they have to keep up with the pack The senses they rely on most are sound and smell These following body parts have adapted for wolves survival: 1.Feet- shock absorbers & acts like a snowshoe in deep snow 2.Legs- endurance over long distances 3.Toes- equipped w/pads that are calloused to prevent cuts 4.Chest- narrow, allowing the animal to plow trails through deep snow like a blade
Endurance A wolf can sprint between mph They can leap & bound up to 16ft A wolf will disperse 500 mi or more from their native territory The wolf will travel 120 mi. in a single day
Pelage & Personality Top Coat- capes of guard hairs repels rain and directs water off coat so it doesn’t penetrate the second layer Second Coat- dual coat is efficient at keeping body heat Wolves have different personalities from each other b/c it reduces competition between members