As a company specialized in natural food, YOUMEONE put taste and nutrition in the product as they are Natural taste and nutrition is put as they are.
Premium powdered well-being tea Green tea persimmon leaf tea Lotus leaf tea Mulberry leaf tea Bamboo leaf tea Pine needle tea Product features Makes it easy to take the taste and nutrition of the original material as they are. - Natural powder of domestic highest quality (average particle size 800 mesh ) - Used 100% domestic raw materials only - Eco-friendly product > Zero waste generation - Resource saving effect > Makes you have the same effect using about 20~30% of the original material. - Makes you take 100% taste and nutrition of the original material. > grinded by the EG330 Method. YOUMEONE Natural Powder Products Product features - Ultra-finely crushed to 800 mesh, almost no wastes after cooking.(food waste x) -Crushed by the EG-3030 Method, it makes you to take 100% taste and nutrition of the original material. - Makes you have the same effect by using about 1/3~1/4 only of the original material.( inexpensive when using the original material as it is) Allium kookeri powder burdock powder garlic powder onion powder lotus leaf powder ginger powder shiitake mushroom powder lotus root powder
Well-being nutrition southern- Kimchi Godlebbaegi Pa gimchi Chonggag Gimchi Dolsangat Gimchl Pogi Gimchi Product features - Used 100% domestic raw materials only - Hygienic production system. - The functional ultra-fine powder is mixed. - A small amount of hygiene package. Patent application - Date of application ; Dec.16, Application number : Applicant : YOUMEONE CO., LTD. - Application content : Manufacturing method of nutrition Kimchi with added ultra-fine powders (Allium kookeri, lotus leaf, and etc.) and Kimchi manufactured according to the method. Certificate for Quality HACCP ISO22000 PATENT Kimchi manufacturing process To put in operation Weight measurement work Packing work Vacuum packing operation Metal detection work kimchi manufacturing area
YOUMEONE Soybean- milk Functional Soymilk(150g) White soymilk(500g) Product features Product features / Soybean milk with added functional powder. - Ultra-fine powder of circular particle > soft texture - Crushed without thermal denaturalization > spicy natural taste and flavor - Powder manufacturing method > 100% soy nutrient intake Certificate for Quality ISO22000 Black soymilk(500g) USE children Health supplement youth For meal/Skin care/diet women Skin care/diet/Women's cancer prevention oldmen Geriatric diseases prevention Certificate ofHACCP Inspection letter Kinds of soymilk For children 골격성장 두뇌발달 충지제어 콩 ( 백태 ) 100% 칼슘 (200mg), Vit.D 팔라티노스 식이섬유 (1.6g) For oldmen 항암 / 항산화 기억력 개선 당뇨 / 혈압 뼈 건강 약콩 ( 서목태 ) 60%, 백태 40% 새싹땅콩 ( 레스베라트롤 ) 300mg 팔라티노스 칼슘 (200mg), Vit.D For women 피부미용 / 항산화 슬림 & 다이어트 배변원활 ( 변비 ) 뼈 건강 / 골다공증 백태 80%, 약콩 20% 콜라겐 (200mg) 칼슘 (300mg), Vit.D 팔라티노스 식이섬유 (3.2g) PLAIN soymilk 콩영양 100% 기능성곡물 콩 ( 백태 ) 100% 콩 ( 서리태 ) 100%
YOUMEONE Complex Powder MATSUM Complex Powder MATSUM It helps you grind the fresh original materials from our land and sea with love and affection and put the breath of flavor to the dish! Pouch type for business use(150g) Stick type for household purposes(10g, 10ea) Product features : Natural powder containing the natural flavor and aroma as they are. -Ingredients and content : anchovy(after eviscerating), shrimp, kelp, mussel, Angelica Utilis Makino, solar salt(aged for 3 years), shiitake, garlic, ginger, onion, radish, cabbage, fermented soy granules, fermented kelp granules. - net contents : stick type for household purposes 10g x 10ea pouch type for business use 150g x 10ea Use : for cooking, for nutritional supplement Natural seasoning powder for present Product features - Domestic highest quality natural powder(average particle size 800 mesh) - Only 100% domestic raw materials used. - Eco-friendly product > Zero waste generation - Resource saving effect > Makes you have the same effect by using about 20~30% of the original material. - Makes you take 100% taste and nutrition of the original material. > grinded by the EG330 Method. Use - For replacement of chemical seasoning - For nutritional supplement food supplies Anchovy powderkelp powdershrimp powder complex powder