Give a Book A Voice Through Book Buzzes
Why Should Students Create Book Trailers? "You can tell kids how great a book is until you're blue in the face. But when their friends tell them, then they believe it."
The Whys…. ●When a student is creating a book trailer they are using their creativity to synthesize multiple elements of a book. ●"Book trailers summarize the gist of a book while including mood, imagery, lifted text, and a bit of persuasion in an attempt to encourage others to read the book." ●Requires analysis, reflection, summarizing and synthesizing skills. ●Allows students to create and express themselves artistically.
What Makes A Good Book Trailer? Coach Hyatt is a Riot Made with 30 Hands Breadcrumbs Made with Tellagami Charlie Skeedaddle Made with ChatterKid Homer Because of Winn Dixie Made with Tellagami Touching Spirit Bear Dystopia Made with iMovie Trailers SIDEKICKS
Suggested Programs and Apps to Create Book Trailers
Peer Reviews & Grading Book Buzz Rubric: Book Trailer Peer Reviews: Book Buzz Checklist by ReadThinkWrite.Org Book Trailer Rubrics: RWT Book Trailer Rubric Book Trailer Rubric 2 For student created book buzzes: Be sure to provide and discuss your grading rubric with your students before they begin creating their book buzzes.
What Does Creating Book Trailers Look Like in the Classroom?
Helping Your Students Getting Started 1.Plan – Create a Storyboard 2.Choose App 3.Find images and music 4.Create and Edit Video 5.Share to receive feedback 6.Revise, as needed 7.Publish Video
Tips for Your Classroom
30 Hands Tutorials Tutorial Video 1Tutorial Video 2
ChatterPix Kids Tutorials Written Directions with Screenshots
Adobe Voice Tutorials Video 1 - Short VersionVideo Tutorial (approx. 7 minutes)