ACRIS e-Recording for Portal Companies Next Steps August 14, /14/2013
Topics Significant Decisions Made High Level Timeline -Highlights -DOF Expectations Dev/Test Environment Interface Design Demo of Existing Web Services 38/14/2013
Significant Decisions Made Data Currently Collected by Cover Page is Required Existing Services / Existing Model will be Extended Solution will be Common for All Portal Companies Tax Form Creation via Web Services Optional -Tax Trans ID Required for Transfers (Deeds, etc.) -While Optional, Tax Form Creation via Web Services is not recommended for the first phase due to timeline / resource constraints ACH is not currently available, but is being considered. Echeck payment for multiple transactions is supported. Payment can be made any time of the day. Electronic Submissions will be Performed under Portal Company Account and not under an individual’s Customer Account. 48/14/2013
High Level Timeline Start Dates ofEtaxCoverPageWsEpaymentsWsEsubmission Environment for Dev / Test8/12/2013 (current service) TBD (no later than alpha deploy) Initial Design8/8/20138/9/20138/5/2013 Draft Specification8/12/2013 8/7/2013 Specification Public Review8/23/2013 Finalize Specificiation8/30/2013 Release Specification / Guide9/6/2013 Development8/26/2013 Alpha Deploy9/20/2013 System Integration Testing9/23/2013 Beta Deploy10/4/2013 Second Beta / Release Candidate Deploy10/11/2013 User Acceptance Testing10/14/2013 Third Beta DeployTBD (as needed) Performance Testing10/28/2013 Deployment11/4/2013 EtaxCoverPageWs EsubmissionWsEpaymentsWs Portal Companies 58/14/2013
Timeline Highlights & DOF Expectations Test Environment -Current web services will be made available starting today -Expect that connectivity and credentials be validated over the next week or two Interface Design -Regular updates regarding progress and some of the design decisions made including some technical details -Expect feedback on design decisions Specifications and Electronic Submitter User’s Guide -Released on 8/23 -Expect verbal questions on 8/28 call -Expect written feedback by 8/30 -Initial response to the feedback on 9/4 call -Release final specification and guide on 9/6 Alpha Release -Release on 9/20 COB -Expect that connectivity and credentials be validated -Expect development to begin against these services -Expect feedback on any deficiencies found 68/14/2013
Timeline Highlights & DOF Expectations Beta Release -Released on 10/4 COB -Expect development to continue on 10/7 -Expect feedback on any changes made in response to previous feedback Second Beta Release / Production Candidate Release -To be Released on 10/11 COB as needed -Expect this release to be used for UAT -Expect validation that environment is UAT ready User Acceptance Testing (UAT) -To begin on 10/14 -Expect testing to be complete within two weeks; depending on process may involve two cycles -Expect feedback on any deficiencies found Production Deploy -Released on 11/4 -Expect that accounts have been created and activation requests made and approved -Expect validation that environment is production ready 78/14/2013
Development / Test Environment Plan for Monday 8/12; Validation by 8/16 Provide URLs to Existing Services Provide Access Credential / Authorization Provide CA certificate for servers in this environment Provide existing resources as used by other consumers of ACRIS services Provide Test Payment Accounts 88/14/2013
Development / Test Environment URLS ACRIS Main Menu ACRIS eUCC ACRIS EtaxCoverPageWs ACRIS EpaymentWs ACRIS Web Services Resources 98/14/2013
Next Step - Interface Design Specifications / Guides -EtaxCoverPage Web Service Guide -Esubmission Web Services Guide -Epayments Web Services Guide -Electronic Submitter User’s Guide Control Tables, EtaxCoverPageWs and Corresponding Web Methods -GetControlData =Properties =Documents =States =Countries =HPDPropertyDescriptions =PropertyDescriptions -GetDocumentDetails -GetDocumentSupplements -GetPropertyDetails 108/14/2013
ETaxCoverPage & EPayments Web Services Interaction – Demo steps ETaxCoverPage web service FindAddress FindBBL GetControlData (to query ‘Properties’, ‘Documents’, ‘Countries’ etc). SubmitXMLDataAndGetPDFForms (Perform two Cover Page submissions. Set onProcessGetProcXML flag to true for the first submission and false for the next. Note down the submission IDs) GetStatus for both Cover Page submissions to retrieve ACRIS Cover Page transaction numbers (Use the previously extracted submission IDs. Note down the ACRIS transaction numbers) Launch Cover Page application and modify one transaction to update the document date 118/14/2013
ETaxCoverPage & EPayments Web Services Interaction – Demo steps EPayments web service GetAmountDue for the two Cover Page transactions GetConvenienceFee for the second Cover Page transaction PayByCheck for the first Cover Page transaction PayByCreditCard for the second Cover Page transaction (use previously extracted Convenience Fee here. Not down the Payment Tracker ID) GetPaymentStatusByACRISTransactionNumber for the first Cover Page transaction GetPaymentStatusByTrackerID for the second Cover Page transaction (Use the previously extracted Payment Tracker ID) View payment status in the CoverPage application (this should now show that amount owed is 0) 128/14/2013
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 8/7/2013 Strong desire for ACH payment – Not currently available. Plans for the future. Daily batch payments desired. May be able to mimic with single daily eCheck? Yes, see responses below. Limitations on eChecks Can we bundle transactions into single eCheck? Yes Are there any restrictions on time of payment? No Workflow diagram? To be provided with ACRIS Electronic Submitter User’s Guide Within a service Orchestration between services 138/14/2013
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 8/14/2013 Lookup info for indexing very helpful 148/14/2013