Bienvenue à l’école secondaire Pierre Elliott Trudeau Welcome to Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School Course Selection for Students entering Grade 09
Diploma Requirements (O.S.S.D.) O.S.S.D 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Optional Credits including Dual Credits Dual Credits Successful completion of Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test 40 hours of Community Involvement
4 English (1 credit per grade) 1 French 3 Mathematics 2 credits in science 1 Canadian history 1 Canadian geography 1 Arts (music, art, drama) 1 Health and Physical Education 0.5 Civics & 0.5 Career studies Plus…..
Group 1: English (including the OSSLC), French as a second language, classical languages, international languages, Native languages, Canadian and world studies, Native studies, social sciences and humanities, guidance and career education, cooperative education. Group 2: French as a second language, the arts, business studies, health and physical education, cooperative education Group 3: French as a second language, science(grade 11 or 12), computer studies, technological education, cooperative education Compulsory Credits continued
Science SNC1P1 Science SNC1D1 Drama ADA101
ENG1D1 FIF1PF THE 3 LETTERS ARE THE SUBJECT The “F” is French Immersion Letter means the course type THE “1” MEANS GRADE 9
French Immersion for students from an elementary French Immersion program Core French from Grades 9 – 12 French is a compulsory subject, mandatory from Grades 4 to 9. Students are encouraged to study French in Grades 10 to 12 FSF1P1 FSF1D1 FSF1O1
To earn a French Immersion Certificate upon graduation, students must successfully complete a minimum of ten French Immersion courses.
English Math Science French Geography Applied or Academic Physical Education Open Boys PPL109 Girls PPL108 Core French FSF1O1 FSF1P1 FSF1D1 Offered in French Immersion
o Allows students to move from MFM1P1 toMPM2D1 o MPM1H1 0.5o credit combined with GLD2O1 0.5o credit o Prerequisite is MFM1P1
The Arts DanceDramaMusic Visual Arts AVI1O1 AVI1OF Business Information and Communication Technology in Business BTT1O1 BTT1OF Languages Spanish Social Sciences and the Humanities Exploring Family Studies Technological Studies Exploring Computer Technologies Exploring Technologies Guidance Learning Strategies Skills for Success in Secondary School GLS1O1 GLS1OF
Compulsory Subjects (18 required) Required Credits Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 English4¤ English Mathematics3¤ Mathematics Science2¤ Science Canadian Geography (Grade 9)1¤ Geography Physical and Health Education1¤ Phys. Ed. French1¤ French* Arts (music, art, or drama)1¤ Canadian History (Grade 10)1¤ History Civics (Grade 10)0.5¤ Civics Career Studies (Grade 10)0.5¤ Careers 3 additional compulsory credits (see below)3¤ Optional Credits Required12 Minimum Credits for OSSD30Total (8) Total (6)
Compulsory Subjects (18 required) Required Credits Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 French Immersion¤ French Immersion* English4¤ English Mathematics3¤ Mathematics Science2¤ Science Canadian Geography (Grade 9)1¤ Geography* Physical and Health Education1¤ Phys. Ed. Arts (music, art, or drama)1¤ Canadian History (Grade 10)1¤ History* Civics (Grade 10)0.5¤ Civics* Career Studies (Grade 10)0.5¤ Careers* 3 additional compulsory credits (see below)3 Optional Credits Required12 Minimum Credits for OSSD30Total (8) Total (6)
a diploma requirement must complete a minimum of 40 hours before graduation YRDSB Community Involvement Guidelines is online
Written in January by first semester math students Written in June by all second semester math students 2 days of testing – 50 min. each day during the regular math class Not a diploma requirement Part of the test will count 5% towards the final mark Accommodations provided for ESL and Special Education students
a diploma requirement will be administered in the grade 10 year test based on the Ontario curriculum expectations for reading and writing up to the end of grade 9. results will be reported as a pass on the transcript
Yearbook Drama Club Octagon Club Dance Club Leadership Camp DECA Student Council Music Ensembles Art Council Broadcast Team
Volleyball Basketball Swimming Skiing/Snowboarding Cross-Country Golf Badminton Rugby
Arts & Culture, Business and Health & Wellness
At Trudeau the SHSM Programs are Arts and Culture Business Health and Wellness For more information contact the SHSM Coordinator’s, Ms. Diep and Mr. Annett
Apprenticeship International Travel/ Volunteer Work University College College University
Develop critical thinking and skills to make informed educational and career choices Provide opportunities both in and outside the classroom Engage parents and the community to support students in their learning Grades One component delivered through career cruising The Individual Pathways Plan (IPP)
Education and Career Life Planning Who am I? (Knowing Yourself What is my plan for achieving my goals? (Making Transitions) What are my opportunities? (Exploring Opportunities) Who do I want to become? (Making Decisions and Setting Goals)
IPP Documents the students learning Primary planning tool Provides opportunity for reflection and reporting Responsibility for learning and planning for the future 2 opportunities each year for review Virtual assembly Preparation for course selection Grades 9 – 12
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Student Log-in: YORK- Student # Password: Birthdate month/day/year Eg
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“+” will add course to your planner French and Geography for FI courses Use Elective Box to add additional Open Courses
You must choose 2 Alternate courses Choose these in the same way you choose the Elective courses Your Alternates WILL be used if your Elective courses do not work in your timetable – CHOOSE WISELY!!!
The blue circle will give you additional information about the course. The red circle prevents you from submitting the course form.
Guidance Counsellors can help with course selection Students talk with their grade 8 teachers Parents and Guardians Individual Pathway Plan
Your Registration form is due to Trudeau HS. before Feb. 1 st Your course selection is due in Career Cruising by Feb. 22 nd (submitted) & signed to Trudeau before Feb 26 th
Click the “SUBMIT” button to submit the courses Print your selections and have them signed by your parent or guardian Hand in to your homeroom teacher Must be back at Trudeau PRIOR to Feb 26/16
Ashton Meadows P.S. Beckett Farm P.S. Buttonville P.S. Castlemore P.S. Franklin P.S. Glad Park P.S. Milliken Mills P.S. Sam Chapman P.S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S. Stonebridge P.S. Registration Form and Course Selection --- check with your elementary school for their internal deadlines
Explore a variety of subjects Join extra-curricular activities, teams, clubs, sports Meet new people, make new friends
Questions?? Thank You!